Chapter 2: Meeting the Inseperables

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A couple hours later...the Musketeers' garrison...

"I'm looking for Athos!" Cosette yelled. Athos, from where Aramis and Porthos stood, looked around to see the fifteen-year-old girl disguised as a boy with a sword in hand. Athos was slightly confused. What could a boy possibly need him fore?

"You've found him," said Athos.

"My name is Charles d'Artagnan, of Lupiac in Gascony. Prepare to fight. One of us dies here."

Cosette glared at Athos who took up the girl's challenge.

"Now, that's the way to make an entrance," Aramis muttered to Porthos so Athos couldn't hear them.

"Can I ask why?" Athos asked in a monotone voice as he drew his sword.

"You murdered my father." Cosette answered.

"You're mistaken. I'm not the man you're looking for." It outraged Cosette that the man was speaking so calmly at the daughter of the man he murdered.

"Murderer!" Cosette yelled.

She charged Athos, who was more experienced in sword-fighting than she was. However, her father was a master swordsman, and he was surprised at her talents when she was only ten years old. Her mother and sisters were sometimes disapproved that Cosette acted more a boy ,but they couldn't help but be proud for her at the same time. Cosette continued.

"Do you deny you shot Alexandre d'Artagnan two days ago in cold blood?" Cosette said.

"I usually remember the men I kill. That name means nothing to me."

"Then you're a liar as well!" the fifteen-year-old cried and continued fighting with Athos.

"Remarkable. He's keeping up with Athos," said Aramis, impressed. Porthos shook his head and laughed.

"Rubbish. He just doesn't want to hurt the lunatic," Porthos said, earning a laugh from Aramis. Athos pinned the girl on the wall.

"That's enough!" Athos yelled. The girl struggled to attempt to strangle him but she was scared when his knife was at her neck as it embedded itself in the post next to her.

"That could have been your throat. Don't make me kill you over a mistake. I didn't kill your father and I don't want to kill you."

Athos released Cosette, who furiously threw a dagger at Athos, but luckily, Aramis yelled for his friend to look out. The older man moved out of the way as the dagger embedded itself in the pole.

"And that could have been your back. Now, fight me or die on your knees! I don't care which. No? Argh...!"

Athos really didn't want to hurt this little brat, but the boy was getting too emotional. Though he accepted she was a good fighter, Athos really couldn't believe she put up a fight.

"He said, enough," Aramis said, he and Porthos coming in to defend Athos.

"Very well. I'll fight both of you."

"Three of us?" Porthos laughed boisterously.

"Now, for God's sake, put up your sword."

"You'll have to kill me for it." the girl sneered.

Cosette couldn't take on three experienced fighters, as they cornered her again at the same wall that Athos had pinned her too.

"Lively little bugger, aren't ya?!" Porthos asked.

"Stop fighting! All of you!" The men and Cosette stopped and looked at Constance.

"Is three against one fair?" she asked.

d'Artagnan And Her Musketeers (The Cosette D'Artagnan Romances, book 1)Where stories live. Discover now