Chapter 15: Women Equality

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If there was one thing Cosette could say, is that there really wasn't much of woman equality. Sure, there was some women who were lucky to have education and be held in the highest regards. Cosette was educated by her father himself, apart from the sword fighting that was. However, women lived in a world ruled by men. Mademoiselle d'Artagnan knew it, as well as Constance and Comtesse Ninon de Larocque. It was that particular reason that kept Cosette where she was at. She thought of that as she and her fellow Musketeers escorted the King's Royal Party throughout the streets.

Cosette caught sight of Constance and two other women. One of them was one of Constance's cousin and the other was a friend, Therese. Honestly, Cosette wasn't paying attention to what Fleur's relation was to Constance. She just knew Fleur was a cousin of Constance's husband. Constance had explained the situation to Fleur about Cosette. Fleur, for the life of her, would not say anything to Cosette, mainly because Constance made Fleur promise not to say anything.

Something did truly scare Cosette, however, when she saw that girl who Fleur and Constance had been friends with was run over with the king's carriage. She was dead as soon as people came rushing towards her. Constance was trying to get in because she knew Therese. Porthos and Treville were with her while Aramis and Athos dealt with a burglary nearby. It was an odd coincidence that two tragic things were happening at the same time, like someone planned them.

"Let me through!" Constance shouted. She was trying to reach the poor young woman but red Guards were blocking her way. "I know her!"

Treville let the guard have Constance pass. She quickly rushed over to Therese, the poor girl who was killed underneath the royal carriage.

"Do you know what she was doing?" Cosette asked, her eyes never left.

"No," Constance answered. She unrolled a parchment that seemed to confuse her. Constance called out to Fleur to know what it meant, but when she turned, her cousin was gone.

Porthos joined Cosette in talking to Constance about Therese and they learned of Ninon through her. The duo joined Aramis and Athos to Ninon's house. It made Cosette feel strange to be in a Mansion that belonged to a rebellious woman who thought women deserved equality like any other man, as well as an education. Fleur and Therese took lessons together with the noblewoman, according to Constance.

Cosette saw that one of the women were hiding from Athos' view, but she could not put her finger on it. The other women, when they saw the Musketeers and Cosette, they looked at them in surprise.

"Does anyone here know the whereabouts of Mademoiselle Fleur Baudin?" Athos asked. None of the women answered, except for this tall blond woman that Cosette assumed was the Comtesse, Ninon de Larroque.

"If you have questions, Monsieur, address them to me." Said Ninon.

"Comtesse de Larroque. I am here on behalf of the King," said Athos. "My name is..."

"I know who you are," interrupted Ninon. "I've often seen you at court and thought how handsome you are."

Athos was at a loss for words. No woman since Anne had ever talked to him like that. Despite Athos' reaction, Ninon continued.

"There is a melancholy aspect to your looks that I find intriguing," said Ninon, "but it's probably only mental vacancy." Cosette surpassed her laughing with Porthos and Aramis also looking with amusement.

"I hope not. But forgive our intrusion," said Athos.

"I will not forgive it. This is a place of scholarship, where women can enjoy each other's company without the crude attentions of men." Ninon looked at Cosette, who felt comfortable as the woman over there was observing her. She then looked at Athos. "What is it that you want? Mm?"

d'Artagnan And Her Musketeers (The Cosette D'Artagnan Romances, book 1)Where stories live. Discover now