Interlude - Gained Trusts

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Cosette stood with her friends at her back. Out of all the ludicrous plans, this had to have been the worse. They needed her to get arrested in order to catch this Vadim character that had been threatening all of Paris. Immediately, she was arrested for illegal dueling and thrown into the Chatelet Prison, right with that Vadim character. However, she said absolutely nothing to him, especially when he looked at her rather curiously.

She felt immediately unsafe being in a room with that Vadim person. He learned she was a Musketeer, at least until Cosette mentioned that they were no longer her friends because they abandoned her to that terrible fight. She hoped this whole thing would be worth it, especially coming up with a story of how they caught her visiting her "mistress." They were both forced to face the Hangman's noose.

"Not me," said Vadim. "I'm going to walk out of here in broad daylight. And not a soul will lift a finger to stop me."

Cosette began wondering what she got herself into.

Then she began wondering, how was everyone doing without her?

Meanwhile, Athos, Porthos and Aramis stood before Treville, with the rest of the Musketeers surrounding them. Most of the men there hated all three of the Inseparables because of their responsibility for letting new recruit, D'Artagnan engage in a duel with the Red Guard. Everyone knew w that any such action was illegal and punishable by death. Treville made it all to convincing to make the whole community think Athos, Porthos and Aramis responsible, made them pretty much hated. Honestly, Athos was feeling uneasy about the whole thing. Letting a young man like d'Artagnan into a world of dangerous criminals. He was kind of worried d'Artagnan might either get himself killed or Vadim escape.

You knew the penalty for dueling, but let d'Artagnan go ahead!" Treville shouted, the other Musketeers giving the trio a glare.

"I don't like this. I've never been unpopular before," Aramis muttered.

"Did any of you think at all?!"

"Try trading places with me."

"But you're used to it. I'm more the romantic hero type," said Aramis.

"D'Artagnan is in prison because of you!" shouted Treville. "Alone... friendless... condemned. I hope you're very proud Dismissed!"

The gentlemen were sent to Treville's office to discuss the mission. It was all the sick ruse they needed. Athos wished that D'Artagnan didn't do this. The boy was too new for this job. Athos was worried she'd ruin the plan and get himself killed and send the criminals running.

"D'Artagnan was taken to the Chatelet at ten this morning. He's awaiting execution, at His Majesty's pleasure." Said Treville. He looked at the trio. "Congratulations. You had me convinced - and I knew the whole thing was a charade."

"We certainly fooled the rest of the men," said Aramis.

"They hate us. They think we betrayed a friend. It makes me sick," Porthos said. Athos knew he was being honest to that. Porthos had just met the boy and was genuinely fond of d'Artagnan.

"Provoking a duel was a brilliant idea," said Treville. "The world had to believe d'Artagnan's arrest was genuine."

"I still think one of us should have done it," said Athos.

"Vadim would never trust a King's Musketeer," said Treville. "It had to be someone he didn't know."

"He's a Gascon farm boy - promising, but raw. There's too much at stake."

"Well, he has to prove himself sometime, so why not now?" said Treville.

"Well, I think he can do it," Porthos said. "And I'm a pretty good judge of character."

d'Artagnan And Her Musketeers (The Cosette D'Artagnan Romances, book 1)Where stories live. Discover now