Chapter 14: Brothers and Sister

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To her friends, Cosette was acting very strange. For starters, she remained quiet whenever she and her Inseparables gathered together and often tried to stay away from other activities. She would come into the garrison, often training with a dummy and beatin it down until she got her anger out. Obviously, Treville's words were touching her in the wrong places. However, the next time he called her to his office, Treville, for all his worth, told her that he wouldn't say a thing to Athos, Porthos or Aramis and that it was her choice if she wanted to tell them. However, to Cosette, she would have to tell them sooner or later. Ignoring their concerned looks, Cosette asked what their next mission was going to be. Given her stature, they were not sure what to answer with. She waited rather impatiently

"Well?" asked Cosette asked.

She missed a conversation while they were in there. They kept giving her concerned looks. However, she raised eyebrows.

"Not until you tell us what's troublin' you, kid," said Porthos.

"There's nothing bothering me, I'm fine," said Cosette.

"You are not fine, d'Art," said Aramis.

"Whatever happened in Treville's office, it bothered you," said Athos. "So, tell us what was wrong and let us help you."

"You see, that's the problem, Athos," said Cosette. She was glaring at Athos. "I can't tell you what bothered me because now is not the time." She looked at them all. "I'm fine."

"D'Art, you're going to have to tell us what is bothering you," said Aramis. "I've never seen you act like this."

Cosette stopped. "Maybe it's because you haven't seen all of me." Athos didn't want to stand watching their young comrade react.

"Now would you please stop bothering me, I'm fine!" Cosette shouted.

"D'Artagnan," Athos began but she interrupted him.

"Don't start," Cosette snapped. "Seeing that you like being a closed book, see how it's like to be on the other end of the stick."

Athos looked at her surprised, but Cosette didn't want to hear it. She walked out before he could even stop her. Honestly, Cosette missed those days when they weren't worrying about her. Guess she missed the days where they were not coddling her. Cosette begged her pardon to Constance for spooking her. Before she stepped up stairs, Cosette told Constance to tell any one of the Musketeers that she was feeling too ill for people to visit her. Constance asked her why but Cosette said she had her reasons. The next hour Constance came to check up on Cosette, who was too sick to move. Her husband was gone for another three days and this was the first day he was going to be gone.

"Damn it, Cosette," said Constance. "Why didn't you tell me you were sick before you went to bed?"

"I wasn't sick," Cosette said. "I'm stressed out."

"Yeah, I could tell you were sick before you went to bed, I just wished you told me," said Constance.

"Treville knows the secret, Constance," Cosette revealed. She huffed in annoyance. "And I sort of told Athos, Porthos and Aramis to bug off and leave me alone. Luckily, Treville won't say anything to them."

Cosette was not sure what Constance was going to say. All she was met with was silence. Honestly, Cosette felt more comfortable talking to it with Constance. The older woman saw her crying. However, her tear stopped at her cheek as Constance wiped it off. The Musketeer woman couldn't help but hug her best friend. Constance just let her cry in her shoulder, because these days got harder and harder for the both of them.

The next day, she knew Athos Would be coming by. He scheduled for her to meet up with him for training but she wasn't in the mood to be swayed at this. He once did that to her when she would not show up for training once. Let's just say, throwing her over his shoulder. That's why she had taken extra precautions.

"I knew I would find you up here," Athos said.

"Of course, you did," said Cosette. "Because I live here." Athos looked at her rather surprised.

"Well, we were worried about you ever since you stormed out of the garrison." he admitted. Cosette stared at him.

"And yet, you're the only person who showed up," said the young woman. "Why? Because they knew you would convince me."'

Athos was actually shocked that she knew that was what Porthos and Aramis thought, but it was because she always listened to him.


"I can't tell you," Cosette answered instead. She continued putting her clothing away in the drawer. She had been planning to leave. However, Constance talked her out of it. "That's the honest truth. I can figure things out on my own and you and the others got to be okay with that."

She did not wait for an answer, hoping that her turning would make Athos leave.

"Look, D'Artagnan," Athos said. Cosette still did not look at him. She just looked to the opposite side."This is not about what has been troubling you since you got out of Treville's office. We've decided you'll tell us when you're ready. But I know you are worrying about something else, which is why you've been looking so ill and pale. D'Artagnan, talk to me. I owe you to help you because of what you done for us countless other times. Because you've saved my life. Twice."

Athos sighed, likely out of frustration because Cosette would not look at him.

"You know, d'Art, you're the only one I told about my past with my wife." he said. Cosette looked at him surprised.


"Not even Aramis and Porthos know about my situation with her. They only know my brother was murdered. Not about my wife. You're the only one I told. Please, Charles. What bothers you?"

"It's not. I...I'll tell you the problem. It's just that, I'm not used to people looking out for me because the man who did that was my father. Ever since he was murdered, I have been on the edge of losing the people I care about. Now that I've met you three, it is hard for me going into battle, fearing I could lose one of you." As she spoke, the tears began falling down her cheeks. "I can't...Apart from my sisters...I can't lose the rest of my family. I need my brothers with me. Without my sisters and without you, I'll be alone. And I can't be alone any more."

Athos did something he wasn't planning on doing. He laid a hand on her shoulder. Then he pulled her into a hug.

"You're not alone,D'Art. Not any more," said Athos.

Cosette stood there, unsure of how to respond until she decided to do it by returning the hug. They had each other.

After that was settled, Athos took D'Artagnan out of her home and led her all the way down to the Tavern, which was the Wren, the same one they went together with Aramis and Porthos. As luck would have it, they were already there. Athos gestured with his head to go in. Cosette nodded and approached her friends.

"I'm sorry," Cosette said. They looked up from their drinks. "I'm sorry."

Aramis and Porthos smiled. They looked at her and then pat a seat next to them.

"Come on, kid," Porthos said. Cosette sat down right next to Porthos as he gave her a pat on the back. Soon, Athos came down to join them.

"Now, where were we with the game?" Athos asked as they all took their cards. Now, they had each other right now. And that was all that mattered to Cosette.

d'Artagnan And Her Musketeers (The Cosette D'Artagnan Romances, book 1)Where stories live. Discover now