Chapter 17 - Trial

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Cosette, Athos, Porthos and Aramis rode out to Monastery of the Holy Cross as being one of the guardsmen around Ninon, along with several Red Guards. Once they were there, Cosette heard her brothers-in-arms speaking about the matter. They probably thought the same things she did about this trial, that it was a mockery and nothing else.

Why is she being tried here?" asked Porthos.

"The Cardinal wants to avoid a public hearing," answered Aramis.

"Does anyone really believe in witchcraft?" Cosette asked.

"The accusation is a fine way to stop the tongues of outspoken women," said Aramis. He felt a little uncomfortable around Cosette because of her being angry with him a few days ago. However, she looked fairly pale.

"She had the girls. She lied. She brought her fate on herself," Athos stated coldly. Aramis flashed a look to his comrade. Cosette was not sure what happened between Athos and Ninon, but whatever it was, it was not good.

"You're being too hard on her," said Aramis. "She was protecting the girl, not deceiving you."

Despite what Aramis said, Athos still remained unaffected by the conversation.

Cosette watched as Aramis walked away and went to talk to Ninon.

"For what it's worth, Madame," said Aramis as he shoved the Red Guard escorting her and grasped her hand, "this trial is a mockery of religion. The God I believe in stands for love, not cruelty."

"You are a contradiction, Monsieur Aramis," said Ninon. Cosette saw that Ninon was uneasy. This was an unfair trial. "The soldier who preaches love, and a famous libertine who cherishes women."

"We all search for truth in different ways. If you have faith in your heart... take this," Aramis took off his rosary and placed it in Ninon's hand before curling her fingers around it. "Please, take it. My God will not abandon you."

Ninon accepted the gift from Aramis. The Red Guard escorting her grabbed her by the arm, effectively ending the conversation. Cosette looked as the blonde woman was led away by her guards. Ninon shared a look with her. However, it was so fast, that none of the Musketeers saw Ninon look at either Cosette or Athos.

"Are you alright, kid?" Porthos asked. Cosette looked from Ninon's escort to Porthos. "You look a little pale, that's all."

"No, I'm...I'm fine," Cosette promised.

Throughout the whole trial, Cosette could feel her sweat coming down her face. She had never seen anything more atrocious in her entire life. Fleur Baudin was among the others to testify in Ninon's trial. Cosette could not help but flinch her eye where she stood. When it was enough from Fleur, Cardinal Richelieu dismissed her back into the crowd. Now what really had bothered Cosette was the fact that the Cardinal called on the woman Cosette had not heard from in a long time. It was Anne, or rather, Milady de Winter. Cosette knew from that moment on that there was definitely something going on. Except, it was not just that which had made her suspicious. It was that she was called "Madame de la Chapelle."

As the woman spoke, Athos slowly recognized her. He suddenly shouted from his place. Athos, who was usually stoic and calm, was now shouting accusations across the room. Guards had to restrain him, as Milady feigned her innocence. None of the Musketeers, not even Cosette had never seen him act like this before. Soon, Treville, Porthos and Aramis took hold of Athos, telling him to calm down. As soon as Milady was gone, Cosette saw Athos had calmed down but another part of him, she could see he had a murderous glare when she looked at his blue eyes. We wish we could say that Cosette put two and two together and saw that this woman she first met in Paris and Athos' wife were one and the same. However, she only knew that Milady as Anne, the woman who framed her for a murder and saved her life on that Vadim incident.

d'Artagnan And Her Musketeers (The Cosette D'Artagnan Romances, book 1)Where stories live. Discover now