Chapter 16: A Woman's Privilege

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After the matter was settled, she left faster out the door and of course, the struggling, long stairs. Cosette stopped midway when she saw Ninon standing at the garrison. Honestly, what was that woman doing here? Ninon did not do anything suspicious to indicate Cosette's real form. She reached the end of the stairs.

"Careful D'Artagnan. You're really starting to show," said Ninon. Cosette made sure no one heard that.

"Are you trying to reveal who I am?" Cosette snapped. Everyone including her brothers were looking at her.

"Well I could have shouted it across the courtyard but I didn't," Ninon said. Cosette was lucky she was a girl, because it's she wasn't, Ninon was going to pummel her into dust.

"I apologize, Madame," Cosette apologized, her eyes closing temporarily. "May I ask how did you know?"

"my dear girl, knew what you were the minute you walked into that room, Mademoiselle..."

" D'Artagnan," Cosette added. "That is my real surname, still."

"Of course. It's just you didn't look... Masculine enough," Ninon said.

"If only some men saw," said Cosette.

Ninon looked at Athos, Aramis, and Porthos.

"Do your comrades know?"

Cosette shook her head. Ninon sighed.

"Shame," Ninon said. She put a hand on Cosette's shoulder sympathetically. "None would have ever gotten as far as you have, my dear girl. You are very special."

"With all due respect, Comtesse, I am just a woman who dressed this way to Avenge her father's death. I am many things but special is not one of them."

"Yes, but you kept it a secret this long, for you to not get caught."

"It's hard being surrounded by my comrades and they will never know who I am."

"Maybe one day, Mademoiselle d'Artagnan, one day they'll know who you are."

"Athos is not good at secrets being revealed," Cosette admitted. "He will be furious that someone, mainly me, he trusts has lied to him this entire time. He will never forgive me."

"Only if he is truly your friend, then he'll understand." Ninon offered a smile and grabbed onto her hand. "It may sound strange for a woman to be dressed among men, treasure your moments together, mademoiselle d'Artagnan, no matter how short they are."

Cosette took Ninon's words at heart. She thanked Ninon, watching the noblewoman walking away.

"Well, someone is in the good graces with Comtesse Ninon," Aramis teased her.

She shook her head.

"No Aramis," said Cosette. "Not like that. She's a friend."

Aramis continued teasing her. Cosette hoped Athos was going to rescue her from their teasing. However, he did not.

"And what about Constance Bonacieux?"

"And so is she," Cosette responded.

"D'Artagnan, as I recall, Constance has feelings for you too." Aramis added.

"And I told you before, Aramis, she is married and a friend," Cosette snapped. "And speaking of Constance I got to go to the Bonacieux house and wait in case Fleur returns."

"You sure it's not to spend more time with her," asked Aramis.

"Aramis, that's enough," Athos snapped. He did not know why but Aramis teasing the young woman was just getting annoying. "D'Artagnan, go home in case Fleur Baudin shows up like Treville wants you to."

d'Artagnan And Her Musketeers (The Cosette D'Artagnan Romances, book 1)Where stories live. Discover now