Chapter 13: A Woman's Secrets

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Cosette gleamed very closely, watching as Aramis and Agnes were talking. She smiled as Agnes talked about her husband and the way she was going on to raise her son. Cosette now wondered what that feeling was like to have children and a husband. She waited until Aramis went into another room Agnes saw Cosette after she was done humming to her son.


You and your son have been reunited at last," Cosette said. Agnes looked up from Henry and smiled at the young woman.

"Yes, we have," said Agnes. "It's a miracle, for he is all I have left of Philippe."

"I know how that feels," Cosette said. "My horse is the only connection I have to my mother."

Agnes remained quiet for a moment.

"Your mother died?"

Cosette answered with a nod. "Died of scarlet fever."

"And your father?" Agnes asked.

Cosette looked up to the other woman. She hadn't talked about her father's death forever. A tear escaped her eyes.

"My father died," Cosette revealed. "I watched him die in front of me." Cosette couldn't hold back her tears anymore. She let the tears flow down her cheek. She knew that she would never truly recover from her father's death. Agnes understood Cosette's pain, because she watched her husband die in front of her as well.

"And the last thing he told me was his killer's name; Athos but he was not the culprit. Even killing my father's murderer did not satisfy me. It just makes me feel emptier. I honestly never really meant for it to go this far. And I don't think my friends will be willing to accept me as a girl. It would be a form of betrayal." She stopped. "Of course, I shouldn't be talking about my problems."

"Do not worry, Mademoiselle d'Artagnan," said Agnes. She reached to the younger woman's hand. "Soon, they will look past appearances and accept for who you are. Take it from someone who knows."

Cosette knew she was talking about her accepting her late husband. Their conversation was interrupted when Porthos came into the room and told D'Artagnan that Treville needed to see them. Following the other Musketeers into their garrison, Cosette listened to the conversation very closely but didn't bother saying anything. This was not getting any better for them. Now that she knew Agnes, Cosette felt a very small connection with Agnes.

"So, what do we do now?" Aramis Asked. Cosette crossed her arms, waiting for Treville's response

"The boy goes to the Cardinal. And what then? Is the child ready?"

"Hasn't the woman suffered enough?" Athos asked.

"Absolutely. She's been with Aramis for two days!" Porthos joked. Cosette couldn't help but slap him on the shoulder. While the other three stayed at the base of the steps, Aramis walked all the way up to Treville and near his office.

"You know what will happen. The boy will disappear. He'll be murdered and Agnes too, probably." Treville looked back at Aramis.

"I'm sorry. My hands are tied. You have to take him to the Cardinal. I'd go with you myself, but I'm busy. Damn paperwork." Treville looked at Aramis pointedly. "It'll take me the rest of the least."

Luckily, Aramis caught on. Treville was just doing this paperwork to give him time to get Agnes and the baby out of the garrison.

Cosette, meanwhile, quietly followed Aramis towards the Bonacieux lodging, fetching Agnes. Cosette could not help but go in front of the door.

d'Artagnan And Her Musketeers (The Cosette D'Artagnan Romances, book 1)Where stories live. Discover now