Chapter 20: Sometimes, It's Head over Heart

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Athos followed Cosette around everywhere, especially to the Louvre where the Cardinal was. He heard shouting from the other side, no doubt D'Artagnan enraged. Within the minutes, Cosette stormed out of the Cardinal's office, unaware of the man following her. Cosette walked away in anger. She knew deep down that the Cardinal had no interest in a Gascon farm girl. He tried recruiting her but to no avail. All Cosette cared about right now was vengeance.

Athos followed Cosette around everywhere, especially to the Louvre where the Cardinal was. He heard shouting from the other side, no doubt D'Artagnan enraged. Within the minutes, Cosette stormed out of the Cardinal's office, unaware of the man following her. Cosette walked away in anger. She knew deep down that the Cardinal had no interest in a Gascon farm girl. He tried recruiting her but to no avail. All Cosette cared about right now was vengeance.

Athos meanwhile followed her into the Bastille, Cosette angrily spreading that Lebarge maniac with her sword fighting. Athos luckily came in time.

"Let him go," Athos snapped.

Lebarge had that murderous look in his eye as he grabbed D'Artagnan by her arm twisted behind her back. As soon as Lebarge released her, Athos pushed D'Artagnan behind him and then pushed her out the door as they rushed out in the rain. Athos had never been more infuriated with D'Artagnan before in his entire life. She acted without thinking and now, it nearly got her killed. Athos looked at Cosette, disappointingly.

"What did I tell you about thinking before you act," said Athos. The rain fell on their heads as they waited for the guards stained to leave.

"I couldn't help it. I'm not like you, Athos."

" You are. More than you know. Come on. Get some rest. We'll train tomorrow. And D'Artagnan if you do anything this stupid again, I will chain you up to the Garrison staircase myself."

"I'm not a child, Athos," Cosette snapped.

"I know you aren't so stop acting like one," Athos said. Cosette rolled her eyes as they parted ways

The next morning, Cosette was present at the garrison. She and Athos met back up at the training ground but Cosette could feel the disappointment he had in her due to her actions from last night. Because he was in charge of her, Athos had been her patron ever since the beginning to when her apprenticeship would be over.

As they trained, Cosette found every word quite annoying.

"Every taunt is an attempt to distract you, to discover your vulnerabilities and exploit them. Last night, you let your hatred of Lebarge overcome your judgment. Your trip to the Bastille was a childish mistake. I thought you had brains, but clearly not."

Cosette, when she finally caught her breath.

"I know what you're doing."

"That kind of stupidity is exactly why you're not ready to be a Musketeer."

"You don't mean that?"

"Of course not," Athos replied. As they fought, he brought her down to her knees and had a sword pressed against her shoulder, "but unfortunately... you're now dead."

Cosette, annoyed, took her sword and shoved the blade off her shoulder and they sparred again.

The next morning, Cosette was walking out of the Bonacieuxs' house heading to the Garrison when she saw that Anne was right in front of her. Honestly, Cosette was surprised to see Milady there,

d'Artagnan And Her Musketeers (The Cosette D'Artagnan Romances, book 1)Where stories live. Discover now