Chapter 10: Flea's Advice

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"As God is my witness," the pastor said, as he had been forced to sit down on the bench by Athos and Aramis, "this has nothing to do with me or my church. I preach reconciliation, not hatred."

"Someone intended to blow up your church, probably during a service," said Aramis.


"Is it possible Jean was lying to you about his beliefs, that he infiltrated your church in order to destroy it?"

"Jean was no turncoat and he was a gentle soft-hearted boy, not an assassin."

"Then why did he need a dozen barrels of gunpowder?" Athos asked, holding the page that Cosette had found in the apartment. The pastor took the page from him. However, the pastor looked at them.

"This is Jean's name. But it's not his handwriting. It's his father's."

The whole thing was a total mess. When they confronted Emile, he revealed there would be an attack at midday. Cosette tried effortlessly to kill anyone who dare attack her brothers. When they found Porthos, he was nearly killed by a man who must have been a former friend of his. Charon's death was at the hands of Aramis, merely just because he was defending his friend.  Truth be told, during the whole ordeal, Cosette had worried about nearly losing Porthos, as if she lost her boys again, Cosette would feel like she would be losing her father all over again. Cosette hoped that Aramis and Porthos wouldn't try and kill each other because of what just happened. Aramis finished patching Flea up. 

"There," said Aramis. "In a few days, you'll be be all healed."

Flea nodded. "Merci, Monsieur Aramis." Aramis nodded to her.

"D'Artagnan, could you watch over Flea for a while?" Aramis asked. Cosette was wary of Flea, because the young woman continued looking at her. However, she wouldn't let that get to her. 

Aramis walked over to Athos and Porthos. Shame, she wasn't in a conversation that didn't involve her, as she had been tasked to stay next to Flea as she was lying. Aramis had patched her up.

"Aramis does a good job," Cosette said. "Because of that, you'll be alright sooner than he tells you.""That's very brave of you to say, especially with what you do, Mademoiselle," Flea said. Cosette knew that woman was suspecting her of something. 

"I'm not sure..." Cosette began. However, Flea cut her off.

"Don't try lying to me, I know a girl when I see one," Flea said, quietly that  "And by what I saw, Porthos doesn't know and neither do the other Musketeers of yours. He never really did see what's in front of him. You hide a big secret, Mademoiselle. Though I'm pretty sure you have your reasons. Now who are you really?"

Cosette took a deep breath.

"Cosette D'Artagnan," she answered.

"Well, you Must be at least what? 16," said Flea.

"15," Cosette corrected.

"Impressive," Flea said. She looked at Porthos, who was standing with Aramis and Athos. "Do me a favor Cosette?" She grasped the young woman's hand. "Promise you'll look after Porthos? He needs another woman to look after him since I cannot and you're the best one so far to do the job. Even though he doesn't know it, you're the most important woman in his life now. "

Cosette never really thought of that for a second. She nodded. 

"And if you need anything, you're always welcomed in the Court of Miracles," Flea said. Cosette nodded, appreciated by the young woman's offer.

A few days after Flea was healing up, Cosette was relieved to hear that there had been a confession signed by Jean's father. However, the not so pleasing thing to hear was that the man had committed suicide rather than answering to his crimes. However, the other good news was that Porthos had been free of all charges. 

 Now, after this ordeal, there was no way that Athos, Aramis nor Cosette would ever let one or the other go home drunk ever again. Returning to the garrison, Porthos and Cosette were alone, playing cards (their daily routine again) with Athos and Aramis getting dinner.

"Porthos, I'm glad you are okay," Cosette said. "I never doubted you for a second."

"I know you didn't, d'Art, but I heard how much you worried about me."

Cosette stood there in shock, as she blinked her eyes.

"Is that what you three were talking about in the Court of Miracles when we were tending to Flea?" Cosette asked. "So much for trust between all of us."

"Now, it's not like that kid," said Porthos. "I'm grateful that you worried about me. But why?"

"I don't want to talk about it," Cosette said. Porthos looked at her.

"Why not?" Porthos asked. Cosette closed her eyes, trying to keep the tears from falling down

"Truth be told, I thought I was losing you like my father all over again. You know, Aramis told me how we were all brothers. And I couldn't bare it if I lost either one of you three. I know it sounds silly...and that I must sound like an idiot..."

"You're not acting like an idiot, d'Art. It's natural to feel like that, for that is what I fear every time we're on a dangerous mission and to lose a parent. As you know, I lost my mother when I was five years old."

Cosette looked at him rather sympathetically.

"Yes," Cosette said. "I lost my mother when I was ten years old."

Porthos nodded too. That was one thing they had in common: they lost a mother at a very young age.

"I miss her every day too," Porthos said. It was true, he had held her in the highest regards. "You've nothing to fear, D'Artagnan, for we're not going anywhere any time soon, even with your training complete. And as long as we're around, there will always be time for brotherhoods, wine, women and song."

Cosette couldn't help but smile at that. She would keep her promise to Flea, that she would look after Porthos and take up the role. Even though he didn't know it, Cosette WAS the most important woman in Porthos' life and she would keep to that, even after her secret is revealed.

d'Artagnan And Her Musketeers (The Cosette D'Artagnan Romances, book 1)Where stories live. Discover now