Chapter 7: The Homecoming

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It was a very strange birthday celebration for Porthos. First of all, from what Cosette learned, this day was not actually Porthos' birthday. It was just a day he picked out since he didnt know his real one. Poor man. His mother died when he was very young and had no idea who is father is. Second, a drunk and unbelievably convinced Aramis to be a target with an melon on his head and Porthos was going to shoot it off him. She really did not understand her best friends' antics, especially something like this. It was both very terrifying and interesting. Sometimes, Cosette thought they loved putting themselves in danger.

Now, Athos was just smiling confidentially. So, it was obvious that Porthos has done this before multiple times. The man realized Cosette was panicking, especially wringling her fingers together once in a while.

"Don't worry. He's made this shot a hundred times," Athos assured her but Cosette gave him an incredulous look.

"He's drunk" Cosette pointed out.

Athos smiled proudly, his eyes not leaving Aramis. He did glance at Cosette at least a couple of times. "He's never made it sober."

And as Athos predicted, Porthos did didn't miss the shot. Cosette sighed in relief. However, it was far from over. When Porthos thought htey should try with a blindfold next, Cosette couldn't handle it anymore and she could tell that Aramis and Athos couldn't either. Aramis had that nervous look in his eyes, as if they tried it once before.

"No, no, we're done playing life or death games!" Cosette said.

"It is getting late, anyways," Athos said.

"Well, I'm going down to the Wren," said Porthos. He staggered away from his friends. Cosette looked at him worriedly.

"Um, aren't you guys going to walk with him?" Cosette asked, her eyes never leaving the drunken Porthos.

"I think he'll be fine, d'Artagnan," Aramis said. Cosette glared at him.

"Do I have to remind you the last time you were drunk when you thought those men..." Cosette began. Aramis cut her off by covering her mouth.

"We promised we wouldn't speak of it again," Aramis said. Cosette smirked, remembering incident. Aramis thought those men were women and he began flirting with them. And Athos wanted to know what the two were talking about.

"I hope you two aren't getting into trouble," Athos said.

"No way, Athos," Aramis said. He put an arm around Cosette's shoulders. "we've been clean for a long time. "

Cosette shrugged his arm off her shoulders.

"Look, the point is, Porthos and Aramis both act different when they're drunk," Cosette said.

"Yes, but now, I suggest you both go home and get some sleep," Athos said.

"Now, I don't think..." Cosette began.

"Don't start, Charles d'Artagnan," Athos said. See, Athos and the other Musketeers didn't know Cosette was a girl, and she chose Charles, for it was the name of her mother's father. She had loved her maternal grandfather. Now, he really was with her in spirit because of her alias. .

"Okay, okay, I'm going home!" Cosette said, rolling her eyes. She wished her brothers in arms goodnight and headed home to the Bonacieux household.

She thought that maybe Athos could be right BUT she also felt that Porthos was going to get in trouble and something bad would happen. She just hoped she was wrong.

Unfortunately, Cosette was right. Something bad did happen last night. Porthos had been accused of murdering an innocent man. She wished that for once she was wrong. However, the past three months Cosette has known Porthos, she knew that he would never attack anyone, not even murdering a young boy. She remembered that morning when Aramis and Athos came to Bonacieux Manor and told her what happened. They went to the prison that Porthos was being held at.

"You didn't kill him!" Athos snapped. It shocked them all to see Athos so out of character. Cosette looked at Porthos.

"Hey, is there anything you need?" Cosette asked.

They heard a man screaming. That was when Porthos answered, "A decent lawyer."

"That's not funny," Cosette said.

"I wasn't trying to be, kid," said Porthos. Cosette could not help but look at him sympathetically.

"There's been a misunderstanding," said Athos. "We'll clear it up."

"And you never know. We might get lucky with the judge," Aramis said.

Cosette, as she stood in between Aramis and Athos, glared at the man in her right because they were NOT lucky with the Judge.

"Get lucky with the judge, huh?" Cosette asked. Aramis shrugged his shoulders.

"Hm. What do I know about the judicial system?" Aramis asked. Cosette rolled her eyes.

She'll admit it: Cosette absolutely hated the judge. He kept demeaning both Treville and Porthos. Porthos was honestly and cordially telling his story but the judge did nothing but insult the young man, including their captain. Honestly, how could these men not want to attack the judge right now.

"Let me tell you something life has taught me, Captain! You can dress your dog in a fine suit, but once a mongrel, always a mongrel. A man lies dead, murdered! An example must be made! Porthos du Vallon... I find you guilty and sentence you to death. Sentence to be carried out immediately."

"This is irregular, sir! I will lodge an appeal with the King." Treville yells.

"That is your right, Captain. Take this man to the gallows."

Cosette had enough. She was going to leap across the banister however, Aramis and Athos stopped her.

"Attacking those guys isn't a very smart idea, d'Artagnan," said Aramis. She frowned, knowing he was right. When they were sure that Cosette wasn't going to do anything rash, they let her go. The trio watched as the guards stripped Porthos of his arm guard that bore the Musketeers' fleur-de-lis and drag him away. Treville ran to what was left of the Inséparables.

"Delay them," he ordered. Cosette, Aramis and Athos left without hesitation. the trio had to delay them. They rushed outside the door to the cart that Porthos was being held captive on. Cosette began panting, not realizing she lost Aramis and Athos.

"you know, most girls my age are either getting married, having children, or even dreaming about men," Cosette muttered as she ran ". But no. I just have to sword fight, get lacerations, and I just had to accept Treville offer to be a Musketeer trainee. " She quickly abandoned the thoughts, her head filled with worries about Porthos. Then, a miracle. She saw the cart Porthos was on.

"Porthos!" Cosette shouted, the worry clearly in her expression on her face. She has to get to him. However, she was too late, for a group of masked men had gotten to him first. They failed. They failed to delay the guards. However, one of the men that Cosette shot landed on the ground, she noticed a tattoo that he had. She, Athos and Aramis went to follow them. What was going on here?

Athos caught up with Cosette and realized the man that Cosette shot was a criminal based on the Fleur de lis branded on his shoulder.  After a thorough search of the city, Cosette and the Musketeers journey led them to the Court of Miracles.

d'Artagnan And Her Musketeers (The Cosette D'Artagnan Romances, book 1)Where stories live. Discover now