Chapter 1

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"Ai'Oab, wake up! We're gonna be late for class."

A pillow landed on the sleeping man's face, making him groan in displeasure. Oab then turned on the bed, ignoring the half-naked guy who had been trying to wake him up since before he went to shower. The clock already pointed to 8:20 and their class would start at 9 AM sharp.

"5 more minutes." The male mumbled, his voice was muffled by the pillow as he tried to get back to sleep.

"You already said that half hour ago. Now wake up or I'm gonna kick your ass."

Hearing Gun's annoyed tone of voice, Oab forced his body up, not missing out to let out a low growl as he sat on the bed. One of his hands reached up to scratch his head as he yawned and tried to shoot his eyes open. His sight caught the shorter male's figure, already putting his shirt on. "You aren't even ready, Gun." His voice was hoarse from sleep.

"And you haven't even showered. Now, get your ass off my bed and get ready!" Gun shot a short glare at the taller while buttoning his shirt, making Oab sigh before getting up and dragged his feet lazily to the bathroom.

It didn't take long for the male to shower. Only 5 minutes passed and he was already out only with a towel wrapped around his waist, looking all fresh and smiley as he stared at Gun. The other was busying himself with his hair, styling it like always. He then glanced at Oab uninterested as he felt him staring, but soon diverted his gaze again to look at his reflection in the mirror. That was until he felt a hand grabbing his ass. He jumped a little and turned to glare at his friend.

"Oi! Stop messing around and put on your clothes. We only have around 30 minutes before class started."

"Aw, c'mon, Gun. We have plenty of time."

Oab's eyes were flirty as he gazed down at Gun. It wasn't for long tough, as a hand soon made its way to the back of his head. A hard slap.

"Ai'Gun!" Oab scowled as he rubbed his head in pain, which Gun responded with a sweet smile that showed his dimple, but quickly replaced by a pair of fierce eyes staring at the other.

"Now, get your ass ready or I'll cut off your future."

The statement made Oab flinched a little, but then he chuckled and pushed Gun's head to the side gently. "That filthy mouth of yours. You're gonna miss him if you cut him off, you know."

Gun only rolled his eyes and silently went back to stare at the mirror, having a last look, before walking past Oab to the shoe rack by his apartment door. Oab followed behind but he stopped at Gun's wardrobe to grab the spare clothes he left there.

It wasn't a rare morning for the both of them. Sometimes it would be Gun waking up on Oab's bed, naked and his ass sore. So having each other's clothes on their wardrobe was something more convenient for them to do, even though Oab actually lived only one floor above his unit.

Both had forgotten how exactly it all started. They only remembered that they were both a little drunk after the freshmen welcoming party, but they enjoyed that night when they first fucked. So, they decided to continue being good friends, with benefits added. All their friends knew about the thing going on between them. They weren't exactly dating nor exclusive, and there really was no feeling involved.

Oab and Gun had been close friends since high school, along with New and Krist, and nothing really changed after that. Gun kept being the savage guy he was with his rude words flying all over, and Oab still flirted around whenever he got the chance. New and Krist didn't really mind about their relationship change as well. It didn't really show.

Gun glanced at his watch after he put on his shoes. 8:35. He then looked at Oab who was still getting dressed, getting impatient. "Hurry the fuck up, Ai'Oab. It's Professor Korn's subject, I don't want to be late."

The commanding tone in Gun's voice made Oab move faster. He skipped over to check himself on the mirror after getting dressed, fixing his hair a bit, before he walked toward Gun to put on his shoes. The smaller was long ready and stood by the door, folding his arms in annoyance as he waited for Oab.

"Alright, let's go. You don't want to be late for Professor Korn's subject."

Gun rolled his eyes then walked out, not forgetting to lock the door. 8:40 and it usually took them 10 minutes to reach the campus building from the apartment. He would need to skip breakfast.



A curse word freely slipped out of Gun's lips as his butt landed on the floor after bumping onto someone. "Where the fuck are your eyes?!" he glared up to a tall guy towering above him, who looked at him with concern in his eyes as he offered his hand for the other to grab.

"Khothot krub. I wasn't paying attention."

"Ai'Gun!" It was Oab's voice. He was already far ahead of Gun but ran back when he heard Gun swore. "Hurry up! We're late!"

Gun scowled in response and glared at Oab, before he finally grabbed the hand who had been waiting for his, standing up on his feet. He didn't really pay attention to the owner, though, as he chose to swear at Oab instead. "Asshole! Who do you think made us late?!"

Annoyance was clear on Gun's face. His mood was already below negative -- since he needed to start his day with running to class -- and Oab was being a straight-up ass. Even Krist and New already went ahead without them, not wanting to be late.

"Gun! P'Off! Are you okay?"

The three boy turned their heads to the voice, catching a beautiful girl in their sight already standing close to them, wearing a worried look. Both Off and Gun nodded at her. It was Jane, Krist's girlfriend as well as the Campus Star this year. Seemed like she knew the tall guy -- probably from the same faculty with her.

Jane and Gun's gang weren't exactly in the same faculty. She enrolled in architecture program while the rest took engineering. The two faculties shared the same building, though, so they would usually meet in the morning before class or during lunch break.

Being Krist's girlfriend for 2 years now, Jane had already been used to hanging out with her boyfriend's gang since high school. They all got really close, since Jane was a very nice girl and easygoing as well. She naturally became the member of the gang, the only female.

"Hia!" Gun cursed again as he looked at his watch. 9:05. "C'mon, Oab."

He looked at his friend, tipping his head to the side before sprinting to class, going as fast as he could. Professor Korn would kill them.

"See you at lunch!" Oab voiced out and Jane only chuckled softly as she watched the two boys running crazily like it was the end of the world. Krist did tell her how deadly this professor Korn could be.

The girl then turned to look at Off, who was standing there, frozen as he stared at her. Jane frown with a smile on her face, before waving her hand in front of the tall male.

"P'Off!" the soft voice pulled Off out of his little trance and he looked at Jane questioningly, a bit embarrassed that he was caught staring. Well, the way Jane smile or laugh wasn't exactly something Off would have missed. "Let's go?"

Off quickly nodded in response. Their class wouldn't start for another hour but Jane needed to meet up with the previous Moons and Stars of Architecture Faculty. Off offered to accompany her since they were going to attend the same class anyway, and his best friend, Tay, was gonna be there as the Moon from two years ago.

Well... it was actually just an excuse.

Off actually liked Jane since the first time he saw her in the faculty. Tay introduced her to him, together with the Moon, during one of those practices before the contest. He was disappointed when he found out that Jane was no longer single, but he couldn't stop his feeling. He decided that it was okay to like her in silence and be her friend. He was content.

He knew he wouldn't be able to date Jane, but just being able to be close to her as a friend was already enough for him. So he wouldn't get greedy and jealous over Krist, who was already there in Jane's life when Off didn't even know her yet. It was only a little crush, anyway.

Yeah... he would eventually meet someone to love properly and to love him back. But until he finally met that someone, let him just enjoy this feeling he had for Jane.

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