Chapter 3

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It had been a few weeks since the first day Gun met Off, and seemed like they met even more these days. Most of the times it was because Off was with Jane. As always, Jane would invite her senior to tag along and he would just agree easily. On some other times, it was because the gang were waiting for Jane and New to finish the Moon and Star gathering, while Off said he was there for Tay as his excuse. In fact, he just wanted to be around Jane, at least at first.

The frequency of their meetings made Off naturally became closer to the juniors. They were such a bunch of fun kids to be around with, especially Krist. Off joked around with Krist more than the others. Their humor seemed to be on one line. It made Off feel bad for actually having a crush on his girlfriend. But after becoming closer with the younger, it made it easier for Off to cut down his feelings toward Jane. Off also hadn't let his feeling grow into a much deeper one, which made it rather fast for him to move on. Later, he just felt good about hanging out with the gang, without the influence of Jane.

Just like right then. Off was occupying a long table on campus main building lobby, with Krist and Oab sitting across of him. Gun was on the table, back facing Off with his feet resting beside Oab on the bench. All were busy staring at their smartphones, playing PUBG while waiting for Tay, New, and Jane.

"Hia! I died already!" Oab rubbed his head roughly as he put his phone down on the table, getting a bit annoyed that his game character died so early. He then looked at the other three males whose eyes were still glued on their phone screens, before his gaze stopped at Gun, suddenly getting naughty ideas.

Oab moved closer to Gun and placed his arms on his lap as he looked up at the other with a flirtatious smile on his face. "Ai'Gun, let me stay over your place tonight na."

Gun knew exactly the meaning behind his words. He glanced shortly at Oab, before turning his gaze back on the screen of his smartphone, fingers were busy clicking. "Mai! I don't feel like it tonight. And I need to finish my paper." His tone was firm as he replied with such casualty, like Oab was not just hinting for wanting to fuck.

"Get a room, you two." Krist glanced up from his smartphone to tease his friends, followed by Off, who only smiled watching the two.

After spending time with the first years, Off learned that Gun was gay while Oab swung both ways. The two liked to flirt with each other – they also fuck as far as Off knew – and they might even have feelings for each other. It wasn't hard to notice since they actually talked about it openly, never hesitating even when their friends were around. The others also never seemed to be bothered by it as if it was something that happened every day. Well, it actually happened quite often.

Oab exhaled loudly, trying to show his disappointment from getting rejected. "Should I just text P'Maprang then?" He thought loudly, rubbing his chin.

"P'Maprang? Hoi... already going after the seniors, huh?" Krist shot up on his sitting position, followed by Gun and Off. The game had just ended. Their team lost.

All the boys put down their phones as they fixed their gaze at Oab, curious and questioning, wanting to hear more from the male. Oab only smiled in mischief before he grabbed his phone and started typing a Line message.

"Hoi... look at him. Already finding someone new, not even five minutes after I rejected him."

"Sorry na, Gun. Life must go on."

Oab wriggled his eyebrows at Gun, whom only chuckled in response. The smaller guy then got up from the table, grabbing his phone in his hand. "I'm going to the toilet."

His friends nodded, and Gun walked away. Off watched until Gun disappeared into the corner before he stood up as well, deciding to follow after him. "I'm going to the toilet too."

"Krub, P."

Off's long legs took him fast to the restroom. The room was quiet and his eyes soon caught the figure of the smaller boy, doing his business on the urinal. Off walked closer and decided to take the spot beside Gun, then glanced at him.

"You okay?" Off asked carefully.

Gun glanced at Off, a questioning look on his face. "Krub?"

"I mean... just now."

The younger zipped up his pants before turning his body to face Off, looking even more confused. "What just now?"

Off closed his brief then turned to the side as well, coming face to face with Gun. The taller wore a concerned look on his face. "Oab." There was a hint of worry in his tone.

"What about him?" Now Gun was in utter confusion, totally not understanding where this conversation was heading to. But soon, his expression changed, seemingly getting it at last. The male laughed. "Is it about Oab flirting with someone just now?"

Off nodded and it made Gun laugh even harder. Maybe because Off was still new in his circle that he might think Gun would get hurt by what Oab just did. People who weren't close to them thought that he and Oab were dating, or at least more than friends. So, Gun wasn't surprised.

"P'Off krub... first, Oab and I are NOT dating. Second, he does it all the time, even before we started fucking each other." Off coughed hearing the sentence. Gun said it so casually, one might think it was a very normal thing to be fucking your close friend. The older was no innocent, but he would never ever fuck Tay. Only the thought of it already made him feel sick.

"Third, I don't have even only a tiny bit feeling toward him. I don't date." Gun smiled, showing his dimples on his cheeks. Off liked it when Gun's dimples appeared. Even as a male, he found Gun attractive. Maybe if he was gay, he would already be head over heels over that boy.

"Really?" Off was still in doubt. He knew how it feels to be in love alone, so he just wanted to comfort Gun if he was indeed hurt.

Gun only shrugged in response as his lips stretched into a tight smile. He then headed toward the washing basin to wash his hands. The younger thought he already elaborated enough, even though he didn't have to tell Off anything.

"But you immediately left when he started texting the girl." The older spoke again as he followed Gun behind and, once again, stood beside him.

It made Gun scoff softly and shook his head. "P'Off krub... I really needed to pee, not because of anything else. You can ask the others if you still don't believe me."

The younger flashed another tight-lipped smile toward Off, then dried his hand before making his way out.

Off followed behind him, still wasn't 100% convinced, even though Gun did seem like he was telling the truth.

When the two came out from the restroom, two boys came running toward them from the opposite direction, chasing one after another. One of them inevitably crashed into Gun, making the small boy fall back easily for being not alert. The one bumping him turned around to relay his apology but kept running since his friend was still chasing him. Thankfully Off was ready behind Gun to catch him.

There was a moment of silence as Off stared down at Gun and time seemed to drag longer for him. He knew the younger was charming, but seeing him up closer, he could feel himself getting drawn by Gun's beauty. His eyes were also so mesmerizing, they could hypnotize someone into liking him.

Off blinked a couple times before he finally got back to his senses. "Hoi... sorry." The male pulled away as he helped Gun to stand on his two feet. "Are you okay?"

Gun nodded, fixing his shirt as he glanced at where the boy, who just bumped on him, disappeared to. His fierce eyes glared into the empty corridor. If only he didn't fall down and the boy didn't run, Gun was sure he would already pick a fight right there and then.

"Let's go, P." His voice was sharp as he turned around to resume walking toward their table, not even sparing a glance at Off. He was clearly annoyed. Off's eyes followed Gun when the boy passed by in front of him, before letting out a heavy breath as he tapped his chest gently.

Dear heart... don't start giving me some weird ideas now.

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