Chapter 8

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Off frowned as he opened his heavy eyes, rubbing it gently as his soul slowly gathered back into his body. He suddenly shot up as the memory from last night came into his mind and he took a quick peek of his body under the blanket.

Damn, I didn't even bother to put my pants back on.

The male then shifted his gaze to his right and caught the figure of a smaller boy still sleeping. A heavy sigh escaped his lips as he rubbed his temple realizing that last night did happen. Off knew it wasn't an accident. They weren't even that drunk to begin with, so to blame all these to the alcohol was nonsense.

What have I done?

The sleeping boy then stirred awake on the bed, blinking his eyes as he tried to adjust to the sunlight that creeped through his window shield, before turning his head to look at the other. Their eye-contact left Off frozen in his place as his heart skipped a bit, yet feeling awkward at the state they were in. They were naked for Pete's sake.

Gun's lips stretched into a smile, revealing his pair of dimples that Off came to adore. "Good morning P'Off. You slept well?"

Gun was too casual for Off's liking, as if they didn't just had sex the night before. It was Off's first time with a boy too, even though it was him who did all the fucking, so the male only hummed and nodded as he watched Gun tried to sit up with a distorted face and a hiss escaping his lips, making worry to creep up inside Off's heart.

Was I too rough last night?

"You okay?" Off tried to help, holding Gun's naked upper arms as the boy leaned back against the bed's backrest.

"I'm fine P'. It's just been a while since the last time I had sex."

Damn it, Gun and his straightforwardness.

Off cleared his throat and nodded as he pulled back, not really knowing what to do, so he leaned back against the backrest as well, mirroring Gun's action. His eyes staring into the empty space in front of him as his fingers busy moving against each other.

Off was no virgin and he had a few one-night-stands, but this was different. He couldn't just get up and leave, besides, he got no pants on. The male couldn't figure out why all those stuffs should concern him, though, when he could just leave. Gun wouldn't mind anyway, would he?

"Do you have any plan today?"

Gun's voice made Off's heart jump in surprise as he was pulled back from his pool of thoughts, even though he still managed to control his expression. The male turned his head to look at the other, seeing him already on his feet, grabbing his brief that was thrown onto the floor the night before.

His butt were directed toward him as the younger bent down. It made Off gulp unconsciously and he licked his lips, feeling his dick reacted to the sight of Gun's perky asshole peeking through the crack in between his round globes. Now that he got a taste of Gun, he wanted to have him again.

Fuck, Off! You're supposed to like girls.

Off quickly shook his head to get his dirty thoughts off his mind and he cleared his throat once again. "I probably will just finish my assignment today."

"Well, I'm going out today. Going to meet my sister, so I'm going to shower now." Gun turned around after he put his brief on and smiled at Off, a mischievous smile, then he headed toward his bathroom. "P' can get dressed when I shower, if you're feeling too shy to get up when I'm around."

Fuck. Am I being too obvious?

"Don't forget to close the door." And with that said, Gun disappeared into the bathroom.


The sun quickly set and Off ruffled his hair harshly for the umpteenth time that day. His building model was nowhere near finish, yet his brain wouldn't want to cooperate with him. The whole day had been sick for him, he even ignored Tay's calls and chats asking about their group project due in 3 days.

Off couldn't even think properly, how would he work on his assignments?

A heavy sigh escaped Off's lips as he rested his back against the bedside. He had been sitting on the floor with a round coffee table in front of him, trying his best to assemble the model he was supposed to submit tomorrow. Yet he just couldn't concentrate.

His progress was really slow and he had no confidence he would be able to finish the model if his brain kept acting up.

The incident with Gun had been playing non-stop, like a movie so clear in his head. How Gun looked when he was sucking Off's cock, how he was moaning as he pounded into him, and the image of Gun riding him with his eyes closed and mouth opened in pleasure.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. God damn it!

Off groaned and threw his head back, letting it rest on the bed as he closed his eyes. He tried to calm his heart, breath, and his raging hormones as it kept poking his arousal, while placing his hand on his forehead.

When he felt like he was calmer, he finally decided to call Tay back. No, not to discuss about their group project, but the problem he was currently facing.

"Ai'Off!! Where have you been, I've been trying to contact you the whole day!!"

Tay literally screamed on his ear the moment he picked up the call. Off only sighed. "I've been such a mess."

The angry male was a little surprised at the respond he got, feeling a little bad, thinking that Off might be going through such a heavy problem. His voice was low and weak from the other end.

"Hoi, what happened to you? Thought you had a very good time last night." Tay's tone of voice was mischievous as he teased his friend, hoping that it would lift Off's mood even only a little. Instead, he got another heavy sigh as a respond from the other end, making him frown. "What's wrong, Off?"

"I slept with Nong Gun."

Tay was stunned for a few seconds before he finally spoke. "Yeah, I figured. Everybody guessed it, honestly, giving the situation you guys were in when you left last night. So?"

Off sighed again before a low groan escaped his lips, frustrated, and he pulled his body up to sit upright as he talked into the phone. "I had sex with him, Tay. With a male. And I liked it, I've been thinking about him the whole day, I couldn't even finish my building prototype."

"Do you like him?"

Tay's question was like a wake-up call to Off. Do I like him?

"I like girls, Tay."

"Well, you could like both girls and boys. Some people are bisexual, you know."

"But, Tay, you don't understand..."

"What? The fact that you could have sex with a male means that there is a chance for you to be bisexual."

"But I never see boys the same way I see girls."

"Then, you like it because it's Nong Gun?"


"Is this the reason why you've been out of it lately? Because you couldn't figure out your heart?"

"NO! That's not it."

Tay sighed softly. "How about this? Let me go to your place and we talk about it."

Off might not say it often, but he really loved his best friend.

"And we should discuss about our group project too."

Never mind. Consider you never read that.


Sawadee khaa~🙏🏻
As I promised(?), 2 updates on the weekend. Hope you enjoy the story so far, and I'm sorry for the cliffhanger hahaha I need more time for smut 😅

Anyway, thank you for reading and feedbacks are much appreciated 💕

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