Chapter 19

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"Khob khun krub, P'Off."

Gun relayed his thanks as they finally arrived at the front door of Gun's condo unit. They were left just the two of them as Off already drove Pim and Phuwin home first before going back with Gun; and the younger was really thankful about it. His house was rather far from campus and sending them back with taxi at night always made Gun worry, even though Gun knew that they could really take care of themselves well.

Off smiled as he nodded in response before silence fell, enveloping the two boys. It wasn't an awkward one, but more likely longing. Like they didn't want to separate and just stayed there together for as long as they could, dragging the time for goodbye a little longer.

It was all new for Gun, the sensation that he felt. He never felt this kind of feeling in his entire life, so he had no idea how to act. He honestly thought he understood love, but really, he understood nothing. He never knew love could actually be this intense, it made him speechless and overwhelmed by just being with the other person. He could start to understand why people really loved to be in love.

The older then rubbed his nape, contemplating about something as he stared at the shorter guy in front of him, before he finally called for the other softly. "Nong..."

Gun's heart rustled inside his ribcage, making the butterflies inside his stomach to escape out. He actually held his breath for a split second as he stared at the other male. He knew Off was attractive, but he just didn't knew that he was actually that handsome.

"Krub?" The younger finally answered as he tried to calm his drumming heart.

Off was silent after, seemingly to have a lot of thoughts running inside that head, yet Gun waited for the older to talk. He was being patient, as if he was under a spell.

"I... I want to try courting you again."




Gun's heart was skipping so fast, he could feel blood filling his entire body to the maximum capacity. His face heated up and he was sure it was already red as beet.

"P'Off, I..."

"Please, if you don't like it, please say it. I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

"No!" Gun's voice raised as he spoke way faster than the time for his brain to think. The male seemed to realize it, so he cleared his throat, trying to regain his cool back. "I... I mean no, you're not making me uncomfortable."

Another silence before Off finally spoke again after a good one minute.

"Then... why did you avoid me even after saying you're okay with me courting you?"

It was a bold question, making Gun sigh. He knew Off would probably ask about it sooner or later, but he just didn't predict it would be today. He really didn't know what to say. His brain and heart were actually still fighting with each other, and Gun really didn't know whether he should stick to his belief or just give in to his feeling.

"I'm scared."

In the end, that was the only thing he managed to blurt out. And even after saying that, he was still unsure, and the fear inside him grew even bigger as Off started to ghost around the room in his heart that he had closed for everyone.

"Scared? Scared of what? Me?"

Gun shook his head.


The small male went silent. His heart was beating fast, yet it was no longer because of the overwhelming feeling caused by the attraction he felt toward Off, but more likely some kind of fear that suddenly wrapped tightly around him. What would possibly happen after this? Gun was really scared to step out.

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