Chapter 18

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"What the fuck?! He really ignored me?! I was sure he read my chat before I deleted it!"

Gun was staring at his phone screen in disbelief, mumbling to himself, yet loud enough for the two teens to hear. They were all at Gun's condo as Pim and Phuwin would be staying with him for the weekend, yet the oldest had been on his phone ever since they arrived. He hasn't even changed his clothes.

"P'Gun, you do realize that we're still with you right?"

"Er..." The oldest from the three nodded in response to Phuwin's question, without really tearing his gaze from his smartphone as he was typing something.

"P'Gun... who are you talking with?"

Pim then jumped on his brother, hugging his arm, trying to catch his attention. He had been out of it for the whole day, always on his phone, and it started to make Pim feel annoyed.

Gun eventually put his phone down and looked at his sister, a small smile was plastered on his face as he ruffled Pim's hair gently. "I was talking to no one. Then... let me shower first."

Pim nodded before she let go of her brother's arm, whose eyes got fixed on his phone again.

It was as if Gun's eyes were about to pop out of the sockets when he saw his opened chatroom with Off. He had accidentally sent his rant chat to the older male.

You ignored me?! How dare
you!! I clearly saw that you
read my chat. Even though
I deleted it, you should have


Gun shouted, taking Pim and Phuwin by surprise. The male was aware of it so he looked at them with apologetic smile before he focused back at his phone, trying to delete the message he sent. Yet, the read sign appeared and suddenly his phone was blinking.

Off was calling.

"Oh... my freaking... GODS!!!"

The small male paced around, panicking as he held his phone tight in his hand. He really didn't mean to send it, he swear. He was just typing it to delete it later. Let's just say it was for his own personal satisfaction.

Gun groaned before he ran toward the bathroom, leaving the two teens in utter confusion.


He answered carefully after he closed the door. He could feel his heart palpitating inside his ribcage, it actually made his breath rage as well.

"Halo... N'Gun."

Hearing the voice from the other end was actually making Gun giddy, especially when the older called him like that. It felt like millions of butterflies were flying around in his stomach and Gun couldn't really contain it.

"Krub, phi?"

"Uuhh.... I'm sorry about not replying your chat. I was distracted. And I thought you wouldn't want me to reply since you deleted it."

Silence fell for a few seconds before Off quickly continued again.

"Anyway... that girl you saw with me was Alice. She's my close friend from high school, we haven't been hanging out for some time so we went out to catch up for the lost times. She already has a boyfriend, he was with us too, and Tay as well, but they went to the restroom when we went to buy popcorn."

Gun bit his lips and squeezed his eyes shut to suppress the scream he actually wanted to let out so bad. The emotion he was feeling was so overwhelming, it felt like he wanted to burst.


Off spoke again when he got no response from the younger male, and it brought Gun back from his little trance. The male took a deep breath to calm his heart before he talked.

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