Chapter 10

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Coming clean and being honest with himself about his own feeling was one thing, but there was another big problem that Off needed to face. That was how to talk to Gun and apologize for the kiss.

It was actually driving Off crazy that whenever Gun saw him at the apartment or campus, the younger would instantly made a turn to not cross path with Off, and it had been happening for more than a week.

Yes, Gun was avoiding Off. He would even stand up to leave from his table at the canteen when Off came to sit with his group during lunch breaks. Nobody asked him about that, though. Gun probably didn't tell his friends anything about that night, since the rest was acting pretty much normal around him.

Off already tried to confront Gun at his apartment unit for a few times, but it was either Gun wasn't there or he simply didn't want to welcome Off in. The taller male never got any response from him, and so did his unanswered phone calls.

So, when Off saw Gun again one Saturday afternoon, heading out alone from inside the apartment building, he immediately hid behind the wall, waiting for him to walk out. When the younger pushed the door open, Off quickly charged into him from behind, wrapping one arm around Gun's waist tightly as the other hand covered his mouth.

Gun thought he was being kidnapped, so he immediately wriggled in Off's arms, struggling to break free as he tried to scream, yet his voice was muffled. Off dragged him to the side of the building where there weren't many people around.

The younger's eyes almost popped out when he saw Off as the male finally released him from his arms, and his hands instantly turned into a fist on his sides. His blood boiled in anger, replacing his fear from before.


Off hurriedly grabbed Gun's upper arms firmly before the younger was able to take his leave, holding him in place. Gun, of course, fought back. "Gun, please, listen to me first."

Gun stopped struggling at the plea, feeling kinda bad by the miserable look on Off's face. So, he glared into his eyes with cold gaze instead, and anger was really obvious in his dark orbs. "What the hell do you want?"

"Gun, I'm really sorry... about the kiss. I was out of my mind, I was crazy, I know." Gun tore his gaze from Off and it made Off almost whimper. "Gun, please. I know it was stupid of me. I didn't mean to, I was angry."

The younger turned his head to stare at Off again, yet his anger was still there. "What were you even angry about? And kissing me for being angry doesn't sound like a good excuse, don't you think?"

Off sighed, biting his lips as he looked down, debating in his head whether to come clean to Gun or just kept his feeling a secret. "I was angry by the thought of you using me to make Oab jealous." He decided to be truthful, not exactly to Gun but more to himself, as he lifted his head to look at Gun straight in his eyes.

Gun frowned. His anger started to subsidize and replaced by confusion. "But why?"

"I...." Off took a deep breath, closing his eyes, trying to get some courage before he blurted out the real truth that had been stressing him out. "I think I like you. Not as a close junior. It's more than that, more than friends, more than what you have with Oab."

There. He said it.

Off then slowly opened his eyes, checking Gun's reaction. What he got was Gun looking back at him in complete surprise with no words coming from his mouth.

"I know you don't think of me like that." The taller male quickly blurted out as he flashed a small smile at the bitter truth. It actually hurt a little, but Gun's feeling was already a known fact for him. "I just wanted you to know how I feel about you, and to be honest with myself. No need to answer it."

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