Chapter 23

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"Sawadee krub, mae."

"Aow, sawadee jaa, Off." Mrs. Chalaruk greeted Off back as he walked into the terrace area where the woman was watering the greens she raised so dearly. "Picking up Gun?"

"Krub, mae. Is he done yet?"

It was a sunny Saturday morning, around a month after the Architecture exhibition at campus, and Off had been coming over to Gun's house often, asking him out for dates, or casual hangouts as Gun called them.

That little guy was seriously good at making Off's heart go on a rollercoaster ride. One time he would send Off to cloud nine by speaking loudly about his feelings, but another time, he would totally deny it so hard it made Off's heart sink a little.

But Off was happy nonetheless. They got a lot closer in the past month and he could feel that Gun's heart was starting to open so widely for him. He just needed to be a little bit more patient until Gun finally invited him to come in.

"I think he's still in his room, you can just come in. But no funny business alright?"

Mrs. Chalaruk smiled at Off. Her tone was playful, but from the twinkling in her eyes, Off knew she was being serious with her words, warning him to behave. So the male smiled back and nodded obediently.

"Krub, mae. No funny business."

For the past one month that Off had been visiting this house, he came to see how Mrs. Chalaruk was such a sweet and cool woman. She loved her kids, accepted them for who they were, and supported all the good things her kids did.

She also loved to tease, making Off get close to her fast with her mischievous self, without making him lose his respect for her. And Off didn't feel awkward around her anymore as she felt more like his own mother now.

"Aow, P'Off. You said 10 AM, why are you here already?"

Gun couldn't hide his surprise as the tall figure was caught in his sight the moment he opened his bedroom door. He was still getting ready since it was still 9.30 in the morning.

Thankfully enough, he was already dressed when he pulled the door open, or else he might have already exposed his naked body to Off, which he didn't want to imagine just yet.

He knew they already fucked before, but that was a whole lot different situation. So, he decided that he wasn't ready to go that far. At least, not yet.

The taller male smiled. "Just missing you. Can't wait another hour to see you, so I came early."

Gun opened his mouth to say something to respond to the cheesy line, as his face distorted in disbelief, yet nothing came out as he really didn't know what to say.


So, that was the only thing Gun blurted out, making Off chuckle then ruffled the younger's hair. "I'll be waiting in the living room na? Come out when you're ready."


It took around 15 minutes for Gun to finally come out, and he found Off talking with his mom and sister at the terrace, instead of sitting on one of the sofas in the living room.

"Aow, speaking of the devil." Pim blurted out when she saw her brother walked toward them, making the other two to turn their heads to look at Gun.

The small male frowned. "I hope you guys weren't talking bad about me behind my back."

"Well, it's a secret between me, Pim and mae. Right, mae?" Off smiled meaningfully, in which Mrs. Chalaruk responded with the same meaningful smile and a nod.

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