Chapter 20

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To say that the next day was gonna be different than the days before would be not exactly correct. Gun was still his usual fierce and savage self, who appeared cold but was actually gentle on the inside.

The only difference was the presence of Off during their lunch break. The gang was quite surprised when Off appeared with Tay. The look on their eyes was troubled as their gaze met Gun's, afraid that Gun would start getting annoyed and leave the table. Yet the small male only shrugged in response and acted rather indifferent when Off took a seat beside him.

Gun even managed to pull a genuine smile as he greeted Off, which made his friends look at each other questioningly, getting even more surprised.

"Gun, are you okay?"

New placed the back of his hand on Gun's forehead, while his other palm was pressed on his own forehead, checking his friend's body temperature. "Normal." The big guy whispered softly, even though the other could still hear it, making Gun frown.

"What the fuck, Ai'New? Gu okay."

New then retracted his hands, staring at Gun, as if scrutinizing his being. "You are acting weird."

Gun stared at New in confusion, which the male responded by pointing toward the junior student sitting on Gun's other side with his head. Eyes questioning.

Gun then glanced at Off, who only looked at him with a smile while he took some chips on the table. Looking back at New, Gun stared at him with the same questioning look he gave him, to which New responded with a hiss as his head was tilted slightly to the side.


New looked at his other friends, as if asking for an answer he knew they didn't have either. The others just shrugged, completely had no idea about the whole situation. The male then turned to the other junior student in the group, Tay, then leaned in to whisper softly.

"Phi knows what happened with them?"

Tay shrugged. "Ai'Off didn't say anything. But he has been looking extremely happy since morning."

The older's answer made New glance at the pair beside him again, while still keeping his body leaned closely toward Tay.

"Gun, let's get something to eat?"

Off asked and Gun nodded easily in agreement. The both of them stood up and left with only Off talking to notify the others. Gun actually wanted to say something too, but the look of his friends made him feel rather conscious, so he just kept his mouth shut.

"Something definitely happened between them."

Jane broke the silence as she saw that the pair was far enough not to hear them. All eyes then turned to Tay, as if asking him to spill something about it.

"Don't look at me. I really know nothing."

The students then shifted their gaze back to the pair who had stopped at one stall to order their food.

"But well, whatever happened, seems like they made up already. And it's good enough, right?" Krist spoke out loudly with his eyes scanned over the others, who all nodded in agreement.

"Er... right."


Exam week finally arrived for universities in Bangkok, and students from all faculties had been busy preparing. Gun and his gang were no exception. Off and Tay were also busy, finishing their building prototype that needed to be submitted as part of their exam.

They almost had no time to meet each other except for the in-between exams time. It wasn't even always, just a rare occasion if their schedule matched. Most of the times, they would even use those free times to study the things they weren't able to cover the day before. These students might look half-hearted at school, but they were actually serious about their studies.

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