Chapter 16

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The sound of the alarm clock resonated throughout the whole apartment unit, waking a certain small male from his beauty sleep. Gun lazily reached out to his ringing smartphone on the bedside table, with eyes still closing, feeling the surface of the wood around to find the device.

Eventually, the boy was forced to open his eyes when his hand alone couldn't find his phone, and he quickly turned off the alarm as it started to annoy him. It showed 6:30 AM on the screen.

Placing his phone back on the table, Gun sighed as he turned on his back, staring emptily at the ceiling, trying to gather his soul back into his body. He rubbed his face rather harshly as he took a deep breath and finally got up from the bed. He needed to get ready for his 8 AM class.

It wasn't 30 minutes later when Gun came out of the bathroom with only towel hanging around his waist and hair dripping wet. The drowsiness had completely left his face.

The male then headed toward his dresser table, taking the hairdryer to dry his hair as he stared at his reflection in the mirror. The loud sound of the electronic filled the room, making all other sounds, if any, inaudible to his ears.

"I'll stop chasing and annoying you."

Off's words from the day before suddenly crossed his mind and Gun instantly frowned, turning the hairdryer off and putting it down. He stared at himself that was reflected on the mirror, then he scoffed out of nowhere as he tried to put some kind of positivity in his head.

"He was just saying that to look cool. I bet there would be a message..."

Another frown appeared on Gun's face when he checked his phone and found totally nothing from Off.


"Well, he's probably still asleep."

The small male then shrugged as he put his phone back and continued drying his hair. He quickly get dressed and went down the lobby, where Oab was waiting for him already.

It was only 7:20 AM when they left as they plan to have breakfast first with the others.


The engineering freshmen's class ended 30 minutes earlier than scheduled. The lecturer reasoned that he had a seminar to attend, so the boys already gathered in the canteen when the clock barely struck 12 PM. They informed Jane through their Line group chat and she said she'd join in after her class ended.

New also said that Tay would be coming after his class ended, and Gun predicted that Off would be coming with Tay as well - even though there was still no message from the older since morning. So, the small male stayed put on his seat, which his friends found a little weird, since usually for the past few weeks, he would had left. Gun just wanted to make sure whether Off really meant what he said to him.

"Off said he's going to eat out."

Tay told the freshmen as soon as he was seated beside New. Nobody actually asked but Tay felt like he should inform the others.

Why did you even bother coming here then if P'Off wasn't joining? Isn't the reason you hang out with us because of P'Off in the first place?

Gun might appear indifferent by the news he just received but, in a matter of fact, he was really disappointed to only see Tay sitting with them.

"With a friend from the medical faculty. They actually asked me to go with them but I'm just too lazy to leave campus. We'll have another class after this."

The junior student answered to New's question and it immediately filled Gun's head with so much negativity, it actually stung his heart a bit.

Is he eating with the girl from yesterday?

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