Chapter 4

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Gun's wristwatch pointed to 7PM when New and Jane came out from the auditorium, walking their way toward where their friends were sitting. Oab casually slid over toward the outer part of the bench, making space for Jane to sit beside her beloved. New, on the other hand, took his seat beside Gun, trapping the smaller in between him and Off. Tay was still nowhere to be seen, probably still wrapping up. So, they waited longer.

"So, where are we going to eat?" Jane looked at Krist as she sat down, before turning her head to look around to the other boys.

Oab looked up from his smartphone to Jane, with the biggest smile he could ever pull off. "I'm really sorry Jane, but I'm going to eat with P'Maprang."

"Hoi... who is P'Maprang?"

"Some sophomore girl he is currently in contact with." Krist answered for Oab. His arm casually hanging across Jane's shoulders as she leaned back on his chest.

"From Medical Faculty." Oab wriggled his eyebrows proudly and Jane looked at him in surprise.

"Ohoo... what a good catch. What about Gun, then?" Jane looked at Gun teasingly.

Off immediately glanced at Gun, checking his reaction, a little concerned. He still couldn't believe two people who are very close and intimate like them could really have no feeling toward each other. At least, one would grow to like the other and in this case, it might be Gun.

Gun shrugged. "He dumped me already. Only because I didn't allow him to stay over my place tonight." The male shook his head as he clutched his chest, pretending to feel hurt.

"Don't worry, Gun. I would always be available when you need me."

"Hia, Oab. You sounded like a slut." Gun laughed, followed by the others. Off only frowned as he watched them laughing. The way they were talking about it sounded too casual and light. Did Gun really tell him the truth? Was it really possible to have no feeling involved? Off was still doubtful.

"Alright my beloved friends. I need to get going. P'Maprang said she's done with her group assignment. See you!" Oab saluted with a wide smile plastered on his face, while his friends only scoffed as they watched him leave.

"Take it nice and slow, alright, Oab?" New finally opened his mouth to speak with a teasing smile lingered on the corner of his lips. The other only laughed and nodded before he turned around, walking away.

Tay finally came out from the auditorium as Oab disappeared in the distance, taking the empty space left by the younger on their table, and they all soon took their leave to fill their grumbling stomachs.


Gun decided to ride in Off's car after dinner, since they actually lived in the same apartment building. Usually, Gun would go with Oab, but not that night. New lived with his parents on the other side of the campus building while Krist, whose apartment was across of Gun's, needed to drop Jane off to her house, and Gun just wanted to get home as soon as possible. He still had his paper to finish, so the best option for him was to ride with Off.

Tay also joined Off's car since he lived in the same apartment building with Krist, so Gun claimed the front seat beside the driver since they would be dropping Tay off first.

That whole night, Off had been checking on Gun from time to time. After hanging out with Gun and his gang for some time, he always thought that Oab and Gun might be more than just close friends. The incident back in the afternoon changed his mind, though.

The taller male used to be in a similar situation with Gun back in high school, even though he never flirted or even slept with that girl, like what Oab and Gun did, but Off really liked her.

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