Chapter 13

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It had been more than a month since Off confessed to Gun, and that man had been pestering the younger non-stop. If usually he would join their table during lunch only twice or thrice a week, now he was always there with them every day, and at any time he could.

Gun didn't know how Off figured out his schedules, but he always popped out with Tay on the canteen, or wherever the gang decided to hang out, right on time. It was kinda creepy and the younger became pretty cautious of his presence for a while, but then he just let him be because there was no way stopping him. The only thing Gun could do was to sit furthest away from Off.

Besides, Off didn't really force his way toward him. He was just there, being in his sight almost all the time, even though sometimes he could be hella annoying when he asked too many questions. But Gun could always choose to ignore him.

Gun's friends started to grow suspicious after a while and, if at first only New that knew about that incident, now the whole gang knew that Off liked Gun. He had no choice but to tell them about the kiss and the confession. New also said that it was probably best for the rest to know as well.

"Who knows they might help to block him away from you?"

That was what New told him, and Gun swore to God, he regretted to have trusted every single word he said. Now the whole gang was literally trying to feed him to Off instead. Such good friends they are.

"Sawadee krub."

Gun turned his head when two familiar voices hit his eardrums and fretted a smile toward a taller male, who was taking a seat right beside him. That was the only seat available on their table in the canteen, or was made available by his friends on purpose, leaving big empty space beside Gun on the long bench he was sitting on with Oab.

"Sawadee krub, P'Off, P'Tay."

His friends greeted the two older boys in a friendly tone, while Gun decided to ignore the taller male, and he swore he could feel the pairs of eyes that were staring into his soul. So, he turned again to look at Off and stretched his lips to form the nicest smile he could offer while his palms were pressed together as he wai.

"Sawadee krub, P'Off, P'Tay. Please, get something to eat."

Off smiled as he nodded. At least, Gun didn't ignore him that day and it encouraged him to keep going. The younger would soften down eventually. He believed that hard work always pays off.

"What are you getting, N'Gun?"

Gun bit his lips gently, contemplating whether he should respond to that or not, whether he should respond nicely or not. Usually Gun would choose the second options, but he was slowly getting too tired to be harsh to Off. It just didn't work anyway. That male was truly made of a rock.

So, the small boy shrugged as he decided to just answer in a flat tone, not being too nice, yet trying not to be rude as well. His gang actually just arrived, so he was still pondering on what to eat, and isnt's best to share your thoughts?

"I'm thinking of having some simple dish, maybe fried rice. How about you, phi?"

A warm feeling flushed into Off's heart at the question Gun threw at him and he smiled at that.

Gun asked about me today.

"I'm thinking of having fried rice too. Do you want to go buy together?"

Gun turned his head away from Off, with his lips pressed together and a frown on his face, looking at his friends to ask for some help. It was wrong to have asked a question to Off, and turning to his friends for help after wasn't exactly the right decision either. The others only shrugged and smiled at him as if telling him to handle it himself. The betrayal.

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