Chapter 6

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Monday came fast and it was the start of the week again. Off was leaving to the apartment's parking lot when he ran into Gun at the lobby. It was only 7:00 in the morning and Gun was sitting alone on the couch.

"Nong Gun." Off called as he made a turn toward the other, his lips easily stretched up to form a smile, and Gun lift his head from his smartphone. The younger instantly smiled and stood up.

"P'Off. Sawadee krub."

"Sawadee. You alone?"

"Krub. I'm waiting for Krist, he's picking me up to class."

Off frowned, and as if knowing what's inside his head, Gun opened his mouth again to talk. "Oab is going with P'Maprang, so I'm going with Krist today."

The statement made Off nod in understanding, feeling a little uneasy with Oab courting Maprang, yet he took this as an opportunity for himself. "Do you wanna go with me instead? I'm leaving to campus, too."

Gun hummed softly as he bit his lower lip gently, seemingly thinking for a while. "But Krist is already on his way. And we're planning to drop by for a quick breakfast near Jane's house."

"Aw..." Off almost looked like a dejected puppy who got scolded by his owner, yet he was fast to control his expression as he nodded even though still feeling disappointed. "Can I come along then? I'm planning to have breakfast too, and you can ride with me instead. Better than to be trapped with the couple alone?"

Off smiled teasingly. He remembered what Gun told him a few days back when he offered to drop the younger to campus. It made Gun smiled as well, understanding where the statement came from. He seemed to be thinking for a while before he finally nodded in agreement. "Ok krub. I'll tell Krist when he got here."

The shorter boy then claimed his seat back and Off took a seat beside him with a smile lingering on his face as the two sat closely.

Off loved the scent coming from Gun. Fresh, masculine, yet still sweet. It made him turned his head to look at the younger, who was already on his phone again, examining his features.

Gun's hair was styled down, making him look cute without even trying. His skin was a darker tone than Off's but it was smooth and flawless, almost like a baby -- Off wondered whether Gun got his face treated regularly. His eyes were pretty, nose was sharp and pointy, and his lips...

Off stopped and stared at the pair of plump lips longer, not realizing that his tongue already moved to lick his own lips and his adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed his saliva. His heart skipped a beat, at least until Gun's voice breaks into his bubble and pulled him out of his little trance.


Off cursed in his head as their eyes met. Gun is beautiful.

"Krist is here already."

Off nodded as he bit his lips, feeling his face heated up. He just hoped it didn't mean he was blushing.


Off stared emptily to the whiteboard in front of the class, leaning back to the chair he was sitting on. His professor was teaching, yet his soul was nowhere in class. His mind was full of Gun, Gun, and Gun Atthaphan.

The male always believed in his whole life that he was straight. He liked girls. He always paid attention to girls. The first one he ever liked was a girl when he was in junior high school. He liked Alice back in senior high school and he momentarily had a crush on Jane. They are all girls.

But why did he act like that around Gun this morning? Why did his heart beat faster when he was staring at Gun? Why did he want to kiss those lips? Those plump lips. The pair that belonged to... a male. Had he gone insane? Was he not as straight as he thought he was? Was he attracted to boys too? A bisexual?

Off ruffled his hair roughly from thinking too much. It mustn't be the case. Maybe he was just attracted to Gun's features. He must admit that Gun is indeed attractive and beautiful, even from the point of view of a man. He noticed a few times how some boys at campus would stare at Gun, some even dared to ask for Gun's phone number, which the younger freely gave to the ones he preferred.

But maybe, Off was not attracted to Gun in that way. Just like how someone would adore someone else of the same gender, but not sexually or romantically attracted to him. Yes, that must be the case.

"Alright class, that's all for today. You are all dismissed."

Off collected all his stuffs, putting them back inside his bag as the professor called. A soft sigh escaped his lips and he shook his head as he chuckled, feeling stupid that he wasted the whole two hours of lecture to be thinking of something crazy like that. There was no way he would be attracted to Gun in that way.

The male then stood up, followed by Tay who was staring at him weirdly. Tay then placed his arm across of Off's shoulders as they walked out from the classroom, making the slightly taller male to look at him questioningly.

"What's wrong with you? You've been out of it since morning."


"You've been spacing out the whole lecture."

"I'm okay."

"You sure? Wanna talk about it?"

"I'm fine, Tay." Off stared at his friend, putting on his most convincing look.

"Well, okay then." Tay nodded lightly, deciding to drop the topic, and Off hummed softly in response. The taller would talk when he wanted to, so there was no use to push him to do it.

Off and Tay then headed toward the faculty canteen for a quick lunch before they attended their afternoon class, just the two of them as Gun and his gang were nowhere in sight. Off was relieved he didn't meet them, or else Gun would mess with his mind again, although deep down in his heart he was hoping he would see even only a glimpse of the younger boy.


Sawadee kha~🙏🏻

Here's a short update from me and I think I'd update a couple more chapters on the weekend.

Hope you enjoyed reading, and feedbacks are much appreciated.

Khob khun mak na kha~🙏🏻

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