Chapter 21

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In the week before the exhibition, Off was completely busy. The male really didn't know his work would be quite loaded with, not only arranging his own building prototype, but also helping the committee. It was like an exam week all over again, but with even lesser time for him to be able to text Gun. Sometimes he would finish pretty late at night and Gun would already be sound asleep.

The whole situation actually made Gun a little moody. He was bored at home with nothing to do, and the messages from Off took years to come. He wanted to get mad, but he knew Off was not playing and he was also not in the position to be angry at him.

The younger didn't know what to do, what to feel, how to act. It made him annoyed and his mood would drop below point zero.

Love really could make him feel so much emotion. He would be angry, sad, annoyed, and frustrated, but most of the time, he would feel this indescribable happiness that actually made his heart beat uncontrollably. And for every time he felt the happiness, his fear for love got weaker, even though it was still there peeking really closely – which was why Gun was still holding back, not ready to give in to his feelings yet.

Despite him still being unsure, though, Gun couldn't really deny the longing he felt toward the other. The frequency of him communicating with Off, that had become even lesser, made him feel quite miserable as he was missing the older much more than during the exam week. He really had nothing to do at home and the wait felt harder than when he actually needed to study for exam. At least his mind was occupied with other things.

But this time, all he could think of was the taller male and Gun couldn't really help but to check his phone every other minute. Still, the text was barely seen unless it was at night or in the morning when Gun woke up.


A middle aged woman jumped lightly on her feet as her son suddenly wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder. A smile then appeared on her face as she ruffled Gun's hair gently, stopping her from her cooking activity. Mrs. Chalaruk still looked so young despite being almost 50 years old.

"What is it, son? You hungry? Wait for a bit naa, mae is almost done."

Gun smiled at her mom and shook his head in response. It was indeed almost dinner time already, but that wasn't exactly the reason behind him being clingy out of the blue.

"Gun kidthung mae na krub."

"Huiii... really? We see each other every day lately."

Gun's smile widened and he nodded in response, making a soft chuckle to escape from his mom's lips. She then turned around to face her son and squeezed his cheeks gently. "Such sweet mouth."

It brought a soft laughter to the male, and he finally released the hug as his mom resumed cooking. He didn't leave the kitchen though, as he leaned back on the counter, watching his mom cook.



"Have you ever thought of getting married again?"

The sudden question made the woman halted her move for a split second, and it didn't go unnoticed by Gun how his mom flinched, even though he knew that she tried to keep her cool. "I mean, pho already remarried as well."

"Why are you asking that, son?"

"Just curious. Don't you want to be in love again?"

The woman's lips stretched into a small smile, then she turned off the stove as the soup finally boiled, turning her body to face her little boy.

"Of course I do. But now I have you and Pim, so I'm being careful. Because it's not only about me anymore, but about us. I want him not to love only me, but you and Pim as well."

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