t w e n t y t h r e e

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About a week later. (so you don't have to go through all of the rest of the week) I wake up and kota isn't in the bed. I sit up and i see kota dancing around to music in the bathroom. She turns around and stops dancing and the music. "Sorry, did i wake you up?" she asks. "No" i say smiling. "What?" she asks. "I love you so much" i reply. "Are you making fun of me?" she asks. "No, i would never make fun of you" i say with a straight face. "Okay, then why are you smiling?" she asks, walking over to my bed. "Because i like the dorky side of you, and it never comes out that often" i say scooting over a little so i can get closer to her. "Zach you're not supposed to move" kota says cautiously. "I'm fine kota, i promise" i say smiling. "I know but-" i cut her off. "No buts." i say sitting up with my legs close to the ground. "Hey guys might want to get ready for the appointment" mom says walking in. "okay" i say looking down.

Kota helps me get dressed and she helps me get in my wheelchair. Dad comes up and him and kota carry me downstairs. We get downstairs and kota wheels me to the car. We get in the car and mom drives us to the physical therapy place. "Ready?" mom asks. "Yeah. i just want to be better" i say looking down. "I know zach but it takes time" she says getting out of the car. Kota and my mom get me out and we go into the building. "Hello, what can we do for you today?" the lady at the desk asks. "I have an appointment for zach" mom replies. "Alright, he will be called from that door." the lady says pointing. "Thank you." mom says walking over to the waiting area. Kota wheels me over to my mom.

We wait a couple minutes and the doctor calls for me. Kota gets up and we go to the lady. "Hi zach" the doctor says. "Hi" i reply. "Guess we have to spend some time together" she says smiling. "Yeah" i say looking down. "What happened?" she asks. "I got in a crash" i reply. "Oh is everyone okay?" the lady asks. "Yeah, i'm the only one who got majorly injured." i say looking up at her. "Wow. that must suck" she says walking into a room. "Yeah it does, i'm a singer in a band so i'm missing a lot of time with my bandmates" i say looking down. "Oh, what is your band called?" she asks. "Why don't we." i reply. "Oh, that's a weird name" she says smiling. "Well kinda yeah" i reply. "Okay, i'm gonna need you up here" the lady says patting a bed. "Okay" i say looking at kota. I get up on the bed and we work on my leg. "Ow" i say in pain.

We finish up and the lady takes em back to the waiting area. "How did it go" mom asks getting up. "Good, the doctor said that i shouldn't be in a wheelchair." i say smiling. "Well you have another appointment with your actual doctor." mom says smiling. "Sweet" i say happily.

Mom drives us to the doctors office and we go in. "hi ma'am what can i do for you today?" the lady at the desk asks. "I have an appointment with dr. sanders, for my son" mom replies. "Okay what is his name?" the lady asks. "Zachary heron" mom says looking at me. I look at kota and she is looking at her phone. "You okay kota?" i ask worried. "Yeah why?" she asks. "I'm just wondering because you're being very quiet today" i say still worried. "Oh sorry, i'm not talking because i'm just in my own world today." she says looking at me. "Okay" i reply.

We sit down in the waiting area, and right as we do the doctor calls for me. "Zachary" my doctor calls. We walk over to him and he leads me my mom and kota to a room. "So how you doing?" he asks. "Good, my leg doesn't hurt that much, and my arm isn't numb anymore" i reply. "Okay, what did you do today?" he asks. "I had physical therapy today" i reply. "What did they say?" he asks looking at his computer. "She says that i should be okay without a cast on my arm, and that my leg is healing a lot faster than normal." i say looking at my leg. "Okay, let me see here" he says looking at my leg. "Can you move it for me?" the doctor asks. "Yeah" i say moving my leg quickly. "That's weird" he says confused. "What?" i ask. "You aren't in pain?" he asks. "No, it's a little pain but it doesn't hurt that bad" i reply. "Do you think we could do an ex ray?" he asks. "Sure" mom says looking at me. "Okay, zach sit in you're chair if you are comfortable and we'll see what's going on." the doctor says getting up from his chair. "Okay" i say standing on one leg. I sit in my chair and the doctor brings me to a room.

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