teachers kid

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Pete peeks inside the classroom. Right away, his teacher looks up with a smile.

"Pete, you ready for the test?" She stands and nods to a seat.

Pete walks to the desk and almost doesn't notice the small strawberry blonde in the back.

"Hello," Pete smiles.

The boy looks up. His face instantly flushes pink, "H-Hi,"

"That's Patrick, my son, he won't be a bother." Mrs. Stump places the paper down in front of Pete.

Pete takes another glance at Patrick. He's definitely not a college student. He's got pale, clear skin with beautiful blue eyes. They're covered by thick glasses. Pete spins back around and starts working. Staying after class is bad enough, so he wants to finish his math as soon as he can.

Probably a good half hour in, Mrs. Stump stands. She walks over to Pete and leans down to whisper to him.

"I'll be right back, I've a quick meeting. If you finish, set it on my desk. It'll only be a half hour." She walks out of the room.

Pete goes back to working, releasing a sigh as his brain shoots a blank. He taps his pencil on his desk as he thinks hard of the answer. God, he hates math.

"X=2. The answer is extraneous."

Pete spins. Patrick is sitting on the desk, criss-coss, and leaning over his shoulder.

"Thank you." Pete scribbles down the answer. "Do you have the key?"

"No," Patrick shakes his head. "I just like math."

Pete scoffs, "Who likes math?"


"Are you in this class?"

"Not this specific one. But yes, I take this level of math."

"Are you in this grade?"

"A senior in college? No, I'm a senior in high school."

Pete's eyes widen. "Damn, are you a genius?"

"No. Are you emo?"

Pete averts his eyes. "Is that an issue?"

"I think it's hot."

Pete's eyes widen, turning back to Patrick. "Did I just--"

"Yes, I think you're hot." Patrick hops down into the seat next to Pete.

"I think you're pretty hot too." Pete sets his pencil down.

"What're you going to do about it?" Patrick flirts, raising his eyebrow.

Pete almost doesn't do anything. He can't imagine kissing his teachers insanely hot son. Yet, he knows Patrick is testing him. By the smirk on Patrick's face, he thinks Pete's a pussy.

So Pete grabs him,
And slams their lips together.

He can feel Patrick grin against him and fight for dominance of this kiss. But, Pete isn't going to give this cocky 18 year old satisfaction. So, Pete grabs Patrick's hips, catching the younger of guard. Patrick shifts positions so he's sitting in Pete's lap, accepting the fact that Pete leads the kiss.

"Do you do this with every emo you meet?" Pete tangles a hand in the long strawberry hair.

Patrick laughs against his lips, "Only the hot ones."

"So, you're a slut?"

Patrick shakes his head, "You're the only hot one I've met."

Pete locks their lips again, praying his mother won't walk in. Pete would fail this class instantly. Patrick seems to take the make-out a step further by rolling his hips into Pete's. Pete's grip on Patrick's hair tightens as Patrick does it once more.

"How old are you?" Pete holds Patrick's hips steady.

Patrick rolls his eyes. "I'm a senior, I'm 18."

"How can I take your--"

"Trust me," Patrick mutters before capturing Pete's lips once more. He grinds his hips against Pete's harder now, making sure Pete's feeling it too.

Pete's hands move to Patrick's waist, keeping him steady on the chair. The two keep their moans and praises to a level only they can hear. But that gets difficult when Pete pushes up against Patrick's hips. Pleasure hits the roof and moans start getting louder. At one point, Patrick cries out. While Pete found it insanely hot, he ceased his movements and watched the door. After a few whines and protests from Patrick, they continue.

"I-I may--" Patrick whispers, movements becoming shaky.

"Now," Pete mumbles, inching closer by the passing milliseconds.

They both give their last push before finishing. Patrick's nails dig into Pete's shoulders and Pete's sure his grip on Patrick's waist isn't comfortable either. The two stay still for a moment, breathing in and out, foreheads together. Patrick goes quiet for a moment, pulling away and listening out. He quickly stands up and fixes his hair.

"I'll give you my number." Patrick mumbles before pecking Pete's lips and running back to his original seat.

As if on cue, Patrick's mother walks in. She looks at the two, "How are you doing, Pete?"

Pete swallows thickly and nods, "Fine." He squirms and tries to ignore the moisture in his pants. Pete somehow manages to finish the test, unable to focus now. He stands and walks up to hand the test over. 

"Thank you, Pete."

"Thanks for letting me take it after class." He smiles.

Mrs. Stump simply smiles back. Pete walks back over and shoves his stuff back into his bag. As he's walking out, Patrick stands and calls to him.

"I think you forgot this." He hands Pete a pencil with a small slip of paper around it.

"Thanks." Pete grabs it and walks out.

He pulls it open and smiles at the crude drawing and scribbled number.

I'm pregnant now. It's yours dickhead.

Pete laughs louder than he means to.

A/N: the bell rang for school to start and I quickly ended it somewhere. MWAH. ~kb

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