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Idea credit to: MokilokWageman Go show them some love!

Once September rolls around, the temperature in Chicago starts to fall slowly. Of course Pete notices. It's getting easier to wear long sleeves without melting.

He should be excited. He loves autumn, Halloween, and pumpkin spice lattes. But there's a twinge of sadness that summer is almost over. This summer had gone by quicker than any summer had before.

Not yet ready to let go of summer, Pete decides to drop hints to his husband. He brings home pamphlets about Charleston, Miami beach, and Cape Cod. He watches the travel channel on TV. He talks more about old vacations he's been on.

Of course Patrick notices. A vacation doesn't sound too bad honestly. Work is stressful, and a beach retreat would relieve him for a while.

He does the only right thing.

He takes an entire week of personal days and calls Pete out of work for the rest of the week. While Pete is at work for the day, Patrick starts to pack their bags for the beach. He decided on Cape Cod, mainly because it's gorgeous and close.

When Pete returns home, Patrick lets him change before tugging him to the car with the promises of going for ice cream. Pete watches Patrick drive for an entire hour before questioning where they're actually going.

"You've been dropping hints all week," Patrick shrugs.

Pete's eyes blow up with excitement. "We're going!?"

Patrick only grins.


"It's so pretty!" Patrick kicks off his flip flops to let his feet sink into warm sand.

The sky reflects the ocean, clear and blue. The cool water glimmers at the blazing sun hits it. Patrick couldn't imagine a better day to be at the beach.

"I needed this," Pete pulls off his shirt. "I need to tan and relax."

"Tan?" Patrick frowns.

Pete's naturally tanned to a perfect shade. Patrick's always been jealous.

"You know I've gotten paler," Pete frowns at himself.

"Shut up," Patrick frowns. "You look perfect," He stares at Pete, fingers toying with the hem of his own shirt.

Pete notices, stepping close to ease Patrick's shirt off. Blue eyes peer around but nobody stares like he expects.

"You're so pretty," Pete assures, hands grabbing Patrick's now bare waist.

"Thanks, Petey," Patrick mumbles.

"Let's get in the water," Pete smiles, biting his lip.

"No," Patrick rolls his eyes. "I wanna read my book."

"Nope. Water," Pete throws Patrick over his shoulder.

"Pete! Pete! I swear to God if you put me in there!"

Pete doesn't listen, he winces over the sharp shells before making it all the way to the water.

"It's cold, Patrick!" He cries as he cowers away. Patrick manages to wiggle out while Pete's distracted.

"How about I bury you in the nice warm sand away from here?"

"Absolutely not," Pete grabs ahold of Patrick's wrist. "I'm getting you wet."

Patrick raises an eyebrow. "You want me wet?"

Pete leans in dangerously close. "I want you fucking soaked," He whispers before shoving Patrick into the water.

The icy water envelops his skin, raising every hair on his body. It feels as if he sinks into himself, every part of him clenching and shriveling. He feels a hand pull him upward, and laughing can be heard once he breaks the surface.

Pete's not yet wet, so Patrick throws himself against the warm body. Pete squeals, trying to get away.

"This is what you get," Patrick grumbles. "Warm me up."

But Pete doesn't. He practically tackles Patrick into the water, dunking them both. They splash each other, jump on each other, and dunk each other again and again.

There's a point when Pete dares himself to swim extremely far out, but Patrick shuts it down before he can move away. When the chill of the water begins to seep into their bones, they decide to retreat to the warmth of their towels.

Patrick remains huddled up until the goosebumps are non existent on his skin, but Pete lays his towel out to bake in the sun. After a while, Patrick lays his towel out next to Pete's and begins to create a sandcastle.

Pete creates a rival castle, that ultimately collapses when he accidentally elbows it. They take a walk to the shaved ice vendor, all the while Pete plants kisses on Patrick's cheeks.

They're red, which Pete assumed is from the kisses. It's not until they pack everything up and head back to the hotel that they realize they're mistake.

Well...Patrick's mistake.

"Oh my god," Pete mutters, staring at Patrick's prickled red skin.

"I forgot to use sunscreen," Patrick whines, spinning to check his bright red back. "It hurts so bad."

"I'm a little red too if that makes you feel better," Pete offers, poking his barely blushed cheeks.

"I look like a lobster!" Patrick shrieks.

"No, baby," Pete shakes his head. "You look adorable. You barely even notice it."

Patrick narrows his eyes, prepared to sock Pete in the face.

"How about some aloe?" Pete offers, grabbing the bottle of green jelly.

Patrick swallows hard and nods thickly. Pete squirts a little on his hand, gingerly rubbing it into Patrick's chest. The younger whines and flinches.

"Does it hurt?"

Patrick nods, causing Pete to pull away. There's literal heat radiating off Patrick's burned skin, it's no wonder he's in immense discomfort.

Pete decides to shove the bottle in the mini fridge while filling bags of ice to place over Patrick's shoulders. They took the most damage, the skin already peeling away.

With a bit of bandage and a lot of YouTube videos, Pete properly wraps any extremely damaged skin. He seals every bandage with a kiss, causing Patrick to smile.

Pete rests cold cloths on thick towels so Patrick can get off his feet. Lying down- somewhat comfortably -makes it easier for Pete to coat Patrick's red skin in the now cold aloe vera.

"Thanks for helping," Patrick offers a smile, looking down at himself.

"Always," Pete presses a kiss to Patrick's sunburned forehead.

I hope you liked this! :D I'm posting a shit ton about the Hella Mega Tour! Sorry if that's annoying for some, but I've got to try and spread all the info!

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