bang, bang, kiss, kiss

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MANIA Pete (I love his hair)
Any Era Patrick


"I feel like we're crashing it." Patrick mumbles, walking to the loud house.

Joe scoffs. "We can't think like that. This could be the best thing that's happened to you."

"They'll all be drunk too." Andy shrugs.

Joe pulls open the door and the booming music becomes deafening. It smells of alcohol inside and there's lots of people inside. This party is at the home of Pete Wentz, the party kid of their high school. It'd not surprising he's best friends with Brendon Urie, whose older brother supplies him with all the alcohol he wants.

"This is so cool," Andy giggles, Joe keeping him close.

"WHO WANTS TO PLAY SEVEN MINUTES IN HEAVEN?" Brendon stands on a table and screams.

"Come on!" Joe grabs the two and gathers around the large circle.

"I'm going first, bitches!" A kid named Frank plops next to Pete with a beer bottle.

Everyone giggles as the bottle spins, slowing down before landing on a black haired boy. Patrick recognizes him as Gerard Way, a shy kid. His brother is Mikey Way, who has had a crush on Pete since he's come out of the closet. Patrick was jealous, Mikey is really handsome and Pete could easily fall for him. But never himself, never the quiet Patrick.

"Closet around the hall." Pete directs.

"Thank you, bottle!" Frank cheers as he stares Gerard up and down.

"My go!" Brendon snatches the bottle and gives it a whirl.

It spins to the kid next to Patrick. Ryan Ross. Brendon's eyes light up and he grabs Ryan's wrist quickly.

"Our downstairs closets are all occupied." Pete laughs with the bottle in his grasp. "But I'll take someone to my room." He winks, causing everyone to cheer wildly.
Mikey and every girl at this damned party starts praying for the bottle to land on them. Inside, Patrick is praying too. The bottle spins for what feels like ages, to the point where Patrick turns to Andy and Joe. Patrick is chatting lightly with them when the crowd groans.

"Hey, gorgeous? You still playing?" Pete calls out, causing Patrick to turn and see the lucky soul who gets to--


The bottle is pointing dead at him.

Pete pulls himself up, walking over to Patrick. Patrick looks up, swallowing thickly. He grabs Pete's extended hand and allows himself to be lead to Pete's room upstairs. True to the game, he kept the lights off.

"We don't have to do anything." Pete laughs. "I know you are a pretty shy kid."

"I want to kiss you." Patrick spills out, instantly regretting it. "I m-mean, I wouldn't m-mind if we d-did something."

Pete smirks, he steps forward and grabs Patrick. Their lips lock, and a small kiss turns into something heated. Patrick's sure the game doesn't intend for Pete's lips to be on his neck, marking the pale skin. But maybe it is, he's never played. Patrick is quietly gasping, keeping his moans at a volume only Pete can hear.

"I would fuck you if I had the chance." Pete mutters against Patrick's lips.

"I wish," Patrick breathes out, hands tangled in Pete's hair.

He kisses his way to Patrick's ear before nibbling at his earlobe. "Let's see how far we can get."

Patrick nods quickly in agreement. His hands sliding under Pete's sweatshirt, hoping to tug it off. Patrick's lips find Pete's jaw, marking him too. While Pete starts to work off Patrick's belt.


"They've been up there for ten minutes." Mikey frowns, checking his phone.

"Pete has no sense of time." Brendon rolls his eyes. He stands. "Come on, let's go get them." Brendon starts up the stairs, calling out to Pete. When he reaches the door, he knocks. "Ten minutes, lovebirds. Let's go."

No response.

Brendon sighs, the crowd behind him chants for him to open the door. After a few more unanswered knocks, Brendon opens the door and flips of the light.

"Oh, Pete." Brendon shakes his head with a smile.

Pete's stands in only his boxers, looking at Brendon with a frown. Patrick hides behind Pete, only in boxers and his shirt.

"It's been more than seven minutes." Brendon crosses his arms.

Pete just smirks, dropping and hiking Patrick over his shoulder. He walks to Brendon, half naked. The crowd is staring, which Pete doesn't mind. He loves the attention.

"Fuck your seven minutes." Pete says, shoving Brendon out and slamming the door. He flips off the lights and locks the door.

"Pete?" Patrick kicks his legs slightly.

Pete smacks his ass, causing the smaller to yelp. Pete throws him on the bed, crawling over him.

Patrick bites his lip. Joe was right, this party is the best thing that's ever happened to him.

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