im always here

679 46 128

This one's a little sad

Pete's never lived in an apartment building before. Most of the people here are newly weds saving for a house or older couples who have recently retired.

Pete's family moved in after his older sister left the house. It's closer to his parent's work and to his school. Unfortunately, it's summer, and Pete doesn't have school yet.

That means no opportunities to make any friends. A normal teen would go to public places to meet other teens, but Pete's not allowed to. Not until his parents learn about the surrounding area. They're wary about letting him go anywhere in the new city.

That leaves Pete alone to unpack boxes or roam the apartment building.  He sometimes runs the stairs to release some energy or rides the elevator for fun.

It's been a week, and he's still learning the ins and outs of the building. Today, he learned how to get to the roof. It's breezey and spacious, a great place to relax.

And it doesn't seem like he's the only one who thinks so.

"Howdy," A blonde says once Pete spots him.

"Hey," Pete grins.

The kid looks about his age, with voluminous blonde locks, pretty blue eyes, and a gorgeous smile.  Above all, he's a potential friend.

"Didn't think anyone knew how to get up here."

Pete plops on the ground next to the boy, leaning against the cement around the edge of the roof. "I've been trying to learn everything about this building."

"You're new?" The blonde raises an eyebrow.

"Yep," Pete nods. "I'm Pete."


"Do you live here, Patrick?"

"Since I was ten. Great schools around here."

"Tell me about it. My parents wouldn't stop talking about them."

"Your parents are looking out for you," Patrick smiles. "You should be thanking them."

"I do," Pete rolls his eyes. "But it's school. It's not exactly the funnest place in the world."

Patrick laughs. "I hated it."

"You graduated?"

"Nope," Patrick shakes his head. "I'm seventeen."

"I'm eighteen," Pete taps the sides of his shoes together. "I'm a senior this year."

"Me too," Patrick nods. "What do you want to do in college?"

"Probably business," Pete shrugs. "Some form of that."

"What college?"

"I dunno. Talking about the future makes my brain hurt."

Patrick toys with his hair. "What do you want to talk about then?"

"Are you a natural blonde?" Pete questions.

"Nope. Dyed it when I was sixteen."

"You rebel," Pete teases.

"My parents damn near killed me," Patrick giggles. "They warmed up though."

"Did you get it done professionally?"

Patrick shakes his head, holding up his hands and wiggling his fingers. "Did it with my own two hands."

Pete smiles. "I've wanted to dye mine."

Patrick perks up. "What color?"

"Maybe some red highlights."

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