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1950's but they look like SRAR

I got this idea in some fancy ass store because of one of the mannequins. I'm--


Pete walks across the crème colored tiles. He makes his way to the aisle of fruit. Crisp red apples are being placed into their designated basket. Pete smiles, biting his lip as he walks over to the worker.

"Afternoon, sir," Pete mutters, picking up an apple.

When the worker looks to him, their lips curl upward.

"Afternoon, Mister Business," The worker grins.

Pete smooths his navy suitcoat and straightens his tie. "How am I dressed so nice yet you look better than me? Patrick, you're a mystery."

Patrick smiles. Pale cheeks redden, and strawberry hair falls in front of his blue eyes when his head bows. "Peter, you're embarrassing."

"Embarrassing? It's not like I'm lying, dear."

Patrick shakes his head. "I'm in a green shirt and dirty khaki's, I don't look better than you."

"How about I buy you some more work clothes?"

Patrick's cheeks darken again. "Peter, you don't have to buy me anything."

"I want to. I love the light in your eyes and the blush on your cheeks when you I do."

"Peter," Patrick mutters, nearly scolding.

"If I could kiss you, I would."

"Go buy your groceries."

Pete rolls his eyes. "Do you need anything, honey?"

"Yes, sir. These apples were picked yesterday," Patrick says fakely. Pete knows this tone, that means someone is too close.

"I'll have three then," Pete says just as fake.

The alarm in Patrick's eyes disappear. "Just go buy your groceries, Peter. I'll see you at my house later, yes?"

"Of course. Do you need anything?"


Patrick's a year younger, and only works at a grocery store. Pete's making hundreds more in his firm than Patrick makes a year. So Pete loves to treat his lover.

It's always in secrecy though. Like at Patrick's small house or Pete's office after hours. Gay relationships are a complete no-no in this day in age. It stuns Pete. They're in the 1950's, it should be reformed enough to accept homosexuality. But it's not. And Pete hopes the sixties are better.

"So you need nothing? No milk?"


"Chocolates or chips?"

"No, Peter."

"Paper products?"



There's a second before Patrick responds. "Go do your shopping."

Patrick would never say yes to Pete buying him things, no matter how poor he is. But Pete always knows by Patrick's response when he needs something.

"Okay, so you need bread."

"Peter," Patrick whines.

"Do you need eggs?"

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