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Patrick shivers, shuffling to his bag.

"A little faster, maybe?" Pete laughs. Patrick's walking at a snails pace. All of them wanted to get back to the hotel after the show and the only person they were waiting on was the singer.

"I'm cold," Patrick mumbles. "I wanna sleep."

"Put on your hoodie."

"It's in the car." He whines.

"Why did you leave it in the car?"
He stomps his foot tiredly. "Because I forgot!"

"Someone is pissy." Pete pulls an oversized one from his bag and drapes it onto Patrick. It swallows him up. Pete lets out a small 'aww', causing Patrick to smack his shoulder.


"He's Sasstrick tonight." Pete climbs into the car.

"Fuck off," Patrick smacks his shoulder again.

"Is that your hoodie?" Andy cocks his head.

"He forgot his."

Patrick yawns, closing his eyes. The car lurches forward, making a right on the main road. Everyone in the car slants to their left, causing the sleepy Patrick to fall onto Joe's shoulder.

"He can't be asleep already." Joe frowns.

"You'd be surprised." Andy shrugs from the front.

Joe nudges Patrick off his shoulder, causing him to fall against Pete. But Pete didn't seem to mind, letting Patrick rest on his shoulder all the way to the hotel.

"Wake up, 'Trickster." Pete gently taps Patrick's cheeks.

"Stop," Patrick groans, lifting his head up.

"We're at the hotel," Pete stands, waiting for Patrick to exit.

But Patrick curls up in the backseat, refusing to move. Pete just rolls his eyes, waving the drummer and guitarist goodnight. He reaches in and snags Patrick around the shoulders. Patrick puts up a shitty fight and allows Pete to pick him up. His cheek rests on Pete's shoulder, squishing up.

"You're adorable, Pat."

Patrick's eyes open slightly. "Don't ever fucking call me that."

Pete kisses his nose as they walk inside. Patrick grumbles, wiping his nose with his sleeve. Pete plants another, causing the smaller to frown.

"Stop kissing me," Patrick whines, kicking his feet with irritation.

"But you're so precious, how do I not?" He presses the elevator button.

While he loves carrying Patrick around, he'd rather just hold him. He'd like to savor the warmth seeping in his skin and the soft breath on his neck.

"I'm tired and gross."

Pete's inside, pressing their floor button. He hikes Patrick up and keeps his hands held under Patrick's bottom. Pete gently sways, humming a song to Patrick.

"Sing it," Patrick opens his eyes, flashing Pete with baby blues.

Pete smirks, "I'm not the singer."

"I don't wanna sing, I want you I sing."

"What song?"

"Any song."

"Give me one." Pete steps out onto their floor, walking to the their shared room.

"Headfirst slide," Patrick mumbles.

"Mr. Sandman showing his--"

"Not that part!" Patrick whines.

"You're a whiny bitch tonight." Pete fishes out the room key from his pocket.

"Sing it," Patrick pulls his face away from Pete's shoulder. "Please."

Pete sits on the edge of the bed, Patrick still hanging on like a koala.

"I will never end up like him, behind my back I already am. Keep a calendar this way you will always know." Pete sings quietly.

He's not a good singer, but Patrick thoroughly enjoys the times Pete will sing for him.

"Encore," Patrick mutters with a yawn.

"What song?"


Pete smirks, he leans back until his back hits mattress. Patrick readjusts so he is curled up to Pete's side. He asks for Pete to sing their song again. So Pete clears his throat and begins.

"I've got troubled thoughts and the self-esteem to match, what a catch, what a catch..."

Did I just trigger you?
I know I'm posting this without replying to comments from my last oneshot. Sorry.
I found one of my favorite pre-hiatus photos so I put it at the
Now I'm going on a walk with my sister and mom.

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