petey VII

998 51 229

Tw: death, mentions of blood

"I can't believe you lied to me!" Andy booms. "I should fire you right now!"

"Andy, please--"

"There is no excuse!" He slams his hand on the desk. "Why would you break the oath you swore to me?"

"Because I love Patrick!"

"So you lied to me for months!? I'm an idiot! You're an idiot! Patrick was a suspect, Pete! He's still on the list to be one! What if he's the killer and kills you? Or uses you to his advantage?"

"Patrick isn't like that. He's not a killer," Pete lies. "And he surely wouldn't use me."

"You can't see him anymore."

"What?" Pete's face contorts. It's a clash between anger, sadness, and disgust.

"I don't want you to see Patrick."

"You can't do that!" Pete jumps to his feet.

"Do you want to be fired?"

Pete stays silent. He can't lose his job. He won't be able to support himself. He'll lose the job he loves. He won't be able to buy a ring for Patrick, or hold a wedding.

"No, sir."

"Good. Now get to work. Look through the files on your desk. The report should be done by four."

Andy's patience and leniency is gone. He sends Pete off to sulk alone.


"I sent him the address, Patrick," Megan tries to coax her brother from the bathroom.

He has been in there for three hours. Mainly for the safety of everyone. He's mad at Andy, at th world. He's sobbing as thoughts of Pete spin through his head. He doesn't respond to Megan, and only continues to cry.

"I'm sorry this happened, Patrick," His mother tries. "You don't deserve this. Just come out and we'll comfort you. We're here for you."

He does deserve it though. All his bad karma is catching up to him. Lying, running, killing.

"Sweetheart? At least come get something to eat."

He hasn't eaten since tacos...with Pete. He starts to wail again, and his stomach does too. After six hours of crying on the bed, and three more in a bathroom, he's finding himself exhausted and starved.

"Your dad and brother got pizza, the good one. They'll be back any moment."

He doesn't want pizza he wants Pete. Pizza sounds too close to Pete. Pete-za. It's making him hungry. Maybe he will have some.

Patrick can hear the knock at the door. He can hear his mother opening it. But then there's silence, broken by a jiggling at the knob.

"It's locked," His sister whispers.

Pizza's here.

Patrick stands on tired legs. He grabs the knob to swing open, and is met with something better the pizza. Only a whimper escapes his mouth and clings to the man in front of him.

"He can't stop me from seeing you," Pete whispers, holding Patrick just as tight.

"You'll come see me, right? Even after I'm back home?"

Pete hums. "Every chance I get."

The two retreat to the bed, curling beneath the blankets. When his dad and brother return with a box of pizza, the couple doesn't move.

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