intern II

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Hella requested.

Smut ;)

Patrick requested another hot chocolate two weeks later, this time with whipped cream. Pete watched him sip, taking soft licks at the cool cream to balance the heat.

"So what's your plan for the day?" Pete asks, trying to appear casual on the couch.

"Probably just looking over some scripts and deciding which ones I want to do."

"I thought you're just given the script and you have to do it," Pete stands, flipping through one script on Patrick's desk.

"Not with me," Patrick beams. "I get special treatment because I'm in high demand."

"What happens to the scripts you deny?"

"They find a new person to fill the role I declined. Sometimes they're mad," Patrick shrugs. "Not my problem."

"It's not your fault you're popular."

Patrick smirks. "Can I ask you a question, Pete?"

"Go for it."

"Do you watch porn?"

There's no hiding it. Everyone has watched porn at some point or another. He nods, palms sweating.

"What kind?"

Fuck. He can't look Patrick in the eyes and tell him he watches gay porn. Patrick would know that Pete's watched something he's in. It's almost impossible not to watch something he's in.

"Just stuff," Pete laughs nervously.

"What kind of stuff?"

"Why don't you tell me?" Pete counters, showing Patrick how hard the question is to answer.

"Gay porn mainly," Patrick answers calmly. "Sometimes, when I'm super horny, I'll watch that kinky stuff we spoke about a while ago. It's hot."

Pete stares, trying to hide his astonishment. "Y-Yeah, I--uh--"

"Your turn to answer."

"Same stuff."

There's a grin on Patrick's face just like Pete expected. It makes Pete blush.

"Do you want to read these with me?"

"Sure," Pete grabs a chair and pulls up next to Patrick's desk.

Patrick hands him three scripts, allowing him to read through. "Pick your favorite. We can read through together and pick a final one."

"Got it," Pete nods, grabbing one and flipping through.

He's probably suppose to be looking for one with good writing and a smooth transition to the sex. Instead, he thinks only about what he wants to see Patrick do. Patrick has shot three scenes while Pete's been interning, and he gets off to them almost every night. He wants to pick something ridiculously hot for Patrick to do.

There's one, somewhat kinky with mediocre writing. It's definitely arousing through. The cop and robber cliche takes a raunchy turn, appealing to a few different kinks without being overbearing. Pete likes it, but offering something like this to Patrick may be a bit much.

"Anything good?" Patrick looks over, one script in front of him. The other two rejects are pushed aside.

"Kinda..." Pete looks from Patrick to the script in his hand.

"Let's see it!" Patrick snatches it.

With worry, Pete watches the baby blues scan the pages, a small smile slowly spreading across his face. Pete wants to shrivel up and die.

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