little legs

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AB/AP era

French onion dip
Dr. Pepper
More chips?

His list is full of junk food and beer. Why the hell did he even make one?

Upon walking in, he ignores the fruit and veggie section. He won't need it. Pete heads straight to the section full of fat, salt, and later, guilt.

"Hi!" A bubbly strawberry blonde boy rushes Pete's legs.

Pete's offers a smile to the four year old looking boy, and steps away. He plans to walk away, not wanting to deal with a kid who isn't his. Where's his mom?

"I'm lost." The tiny boy whispers before Pete can walk away.


"Where's your mom?" Pete looks down.

"I don't have a mommy."

Jesus fuck.

"Where's your daddy?"

"Not here."

"Who are you with?"


Pete sighs. "And that is?"

"My bubby!"

"Where'd you last see him?"

"I dunno." The boy twists his foot against the ground. "I'm scared."

Pete doesn't do kids. Nor does he do crying kids. "Just calm down little dude." Pete looks around. "Let's take you to the front desk or something."

The blue-eyed boy nods, extending his arm up. For a second, Pete didn't know what he wanted. But he soon realizes the boy wants to hold hands. Reluctantly, Pete does.

"What's your name?" The boy looks up.


"I'm Vaughn."


Together they walk to the front desk, and Pete explains the situation. The woman at the counter was concerned, and she grabbed the mic to announce to the store.

"What's your brothers name again?" Pete squeezes the small hand to get his attention.


"Patty..." Pete repeats with a frown.

The woman grabs the microphone, pressing a button to broadcast it. "Could we have a Patty to the front desk? Patty to the front desk, please."

Vaughn looks around, pulling Pete's hand down closer to write his name against the tan palm.

"Vaughn!?" A sweet airy voice cuts the silence. "Oh my god, Vaughn!"

The person Pete could only assume is Patty runs at the small boy. He looks like Vaughn except older, matured, and hot rather than cute. They exchange a long, loving hug.

"Pete!" Vaughn points to Pete.

Before he knows it, Pete's swallowed into a hug by Patty. "Thank you!"

Pete slowly pats the man's back. Unsure what to do. The older strawberry blonde grabs the younger, scolding him quietly. He looks back up to Pete. "I'm sorry, sir. He just gets curious and--"

"You don't have to call me sir. I'm not your teacher." Pete smirks.

"I don't have a teacher." Patty smirks back.

"I have one! Her name is Mrs. Mary and she's nice!" Vaughn kicks his little legs.

"I'm Patrick by the way."

So his name isn't Patty? Must be a nickname.


"Thank you again. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to him."

"I like Pete!" Vaughn cheers.

"No problem." Pete offers a smile.

"Patty, you should marry him."

Patrick's eyes widen and Pete bursts into loud chuckles. Patrick explains to the young boy how he barely knows Pete, and marriage is too soon.

"B-But daddy says you have to get married or else you'll be lonely."

Pete tries to cover his fit of laughter behind his hand, but it's still obvious.

"Sorry you had to hear that, Pete. We should go before Vaughn tells you all my secrets."

"Patty said to Beebo that he's a bottom!"

It's clear Vaughn hasn't got a clue what he's saying, but Patrick's face burns red, and Pete giggles endlessly.

"No more embarrassing your brother." Pete says to Vaughn, who beams and leans against Patrick's shoulder.

"I'm, again, so sorry you had to hear that."

"It's good to know." Pete winks.

Patrick's cheeks deepen. "I-uh--"

"I'd love for you to tell me about all your secrets over dinner."

"Can I come?" Vaughn tugs Patrick's shirt.

"I think this will just be between Pete and I. And maybe if it goes well, I'll show him my appreciation." Patrick winks.

Pete's quick to fumble for his phone to take Patrick's number. He watches the brothers leave, glad he went to the store today.

Today's Mood: I don't know how it's possible for a human to be so ugly but here I am!

And then the next minute: Why do I not have a boyfriend? I'm poppin'

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