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Early FUTCT era

"Do it!" Ryan screams.

Joe takes a deep breath before shoving the spoon in his mouth. Everyone laughs and cringes as Joe gags down the spoonful of mayo.

It's a dare.

The simple game of truth or dare had gotten intense. If someone didn't answer a truth, they automatically had to do a dare. If someone didn't do a dare, they had to answer two truths to make up for it. It was nerve wrecking each time.

"My turn, motherfuckers," Joe grumbles. "Pete, truth or dare?"

Pete thinks. "Dare."

"I dare you to call Frank and beg for a fuck," Joe smirks.

"No way! Gerard would murder me!"

"You two are friends, he'll forgive you."

"Knowing Frank, he'll probably say yes," Andy raises his eyebrows, gaining laughter from the group.

"Not doing it," Pete decides.

"Wow, Pete," Patrick nudges him. "First time all night you've rejected a dare."

"Are you calling me a pussy?" Pete narrows his eyes, smirking.

"I think I am."

Pete grabs his phone, sifting through his contacts until he gets to Frank. As the number dials, he puts it on speaker.


"Fuck, Frank," Pete gasps.

"What the fuck?"

"You sound so hot."

The group of boys giggle, causing Pete to smack them.

"Dude, is this a joke?"

"No, Frankie," Pete pulls out one of Gerard's nicknames, causing Brendon to fall off the couch in silent laughter. "I need you so bad right now."

"Pete, I'm going to be honest real quick, I doubt Gerard is down for a threesome and I'm not one to even think about cheating."

"I wanna be your dirty little secret," Pete whispers. "C'mon, just a quickie."

"I'm sorry but no. Ask someone else."

Pete starts laughing, causing Frank to do the same on the other line. "It's a joke, dude."

"I was about to hang up, no lie."

"Yeah, I got dared to do it. Sorry to Gerard too."

"Thank God he's not here, he'd be fuming."

"Thanks for being cool about it."

"Always. Catch you later, Pete."

"Bye," Pete ends the call with a trumphiant smirk. "I'm the dare king!"

Everyone cheers for him, and Brendon pulls himself off the ground. After laughing about it for a couple minutes, Pete continues the game.

"Patrick, truth or dare?"


"You suck," Pete frowns. Patrick has picked truth all night. He can't be mad, Patrick does answer the questions, but it's a little annoying.

"Sorry not sorry," The strawberry blone shrugs.

"Okay, I got a good one," Pete grins. "Since love is in the air, I'll ask you this; Who do you have a crush on?"

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