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You all really wanted this one! Pete as The Joker and Patrick as Harley Quinn.

I had to do some research because I've only seen these characters in Suicide Squad, which some say is a bad source.

Patrick sings absurdly loud in his cell. There's nobody around but a guard standing watch outside the gates that lock him in.

He twirls and imagines he's dancing with the most handsome man in the world. Pete. Most people call him Peter, some call him Wentz, and only Patrick gets to call him Petey.

Pete's a notorious criminal in the city. It started with drugs, which turned into bank robberies, which turned into murder and hostage situations. The cops can't stop him and he knows that. He ruthlessly teases them for it.

After a heist or in the dead of night, Pete and his band of criminals will spray paint the infamous bartskull. The city spends thousands getting rid of them, and more rebuilding after the reign of terror.

They'll never catch him. And he'll never stop.

Patrick pops out of his daydream, pausing his singing when there's a door opening outside his cell. The guard on duty walks out, replaced by a dashing new cop.

Patrick can't help but pull the zipper of his prison suit down slightly and he messy up his blonde hair. "Hey."

The man turns, scanning Patrick up and down. He doesn't even smile.

"You're so handsome," Patrick clings to the bars, climbing on them.

"Get off the bars."

"Come on," Patrick pouts. "Let me have some fun."

"Off of them. Now."

Patrick doesn't. He's not scared of them. "Maybe we could have some fun."

The cop narrows his eyes, lips downturning when Patrick cackles.

"Don't you wanna?" Patrick hums, offering his sweetest eyes and sexiest lip bite.

The cop's jaw tightens, but he doesn't budge. He steps closer to the metal. "Get off the bars or I'll call someone to rip you off them."

Patrick rolls his eyes, hopping down. He grabs a metal bar, showing the cop the sluttiest eyes he can muster as he licks a long stripe up the beam.

It's the most reaction he's gotten. A sudden look of shock and disgust crosses the man's face.

"You know," Patrick hums. "I lick more than metal bars."

The cop can't seem to take anymore. He turns around, completely tuning out anything Patrick has to say. He stands with his back to the wall, half his body exposed and within Patrick's reaching distance.

"Are you new here?" Patrick asks as he gathers his notebook, the one he's been busying himself with since he's been locked up.

"Shut up," The cop mutters.

Patrick hums. "I'd apologize if I were you."

"I don't need to say anything to you."

Patrick approaches the cell gate again. He reaches his small hand through the opening and snatches the gun from the cop's holster. With wide eyes, the cop turns, hands raised in surrender.

"The normal guards know not to stand close," Patrick shrugs with a smile. "You're definitely new."

"Just give the gun back to me," The cop extends a hand. "You kill me, they kill you."

Patrick only laughs at him. Suddenly, his blue eyes cloud and his lips snarl. "It's a shame a handsome man like you has to die like this."

Within a second, the safety is flipped off, and a gunshot rings in the empty room. Patrick has his own cell in his own guarded room. Not only is he absolutely dangerous, he's extremely important. Pete's always looking to break him out. That is, if he's not trying to break himself out already.

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