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Just lots of smut

Infidelity is so wrong.

Pete's lips drop to his neck, nibbling the pale skin.

But, God, does it feel so right.

Patrick doesn't blame himself. He blames his husband, Mark . Mark values work more than their love. No sex. No cuddling. No cute kisses. He pushed Patrick away, not even going on dates.

That's what he gets for marrying young.

Patrick was ashamed to have his ring on. He took it off a year ago when he went to a McDonald's. A McDonald's.

That's where he met his soulmate, Pete.

Pete had spilt his drink after staring at Patick. It had fallen from his tray. Patrick helped him clean it up, and they laughed about it after.  Pete got his number, and they flirted like teens.

Patrick dropped the bomb on the first date, explaining the whole story. He told Pete he'd pay if Pete left, that he'd delete Pete's number if the older wanted him to.

Pete understood. Pete cared. He have Patrick the kisses and cuddles he didn't get. He loved Patrick and made time for him. And he fucked Patrick better than Mark ever could.

Patrick didn't care about his husband now. He had divorce papers on the counter for whenever Mark returned.  He wants to live the rest of his life with Pete.

Pete is only a year older, and never was married. It was smart. Patrick admits it. But he was sure at the age of twenty, he'd found his soulmate. Three years later, he realizes he was wrong. His soulmate was dropping things in a McDonald's, not working a boring nine to five.

Pete pushes him to the bed, fingers tugging at Patrick's belt. As he pulls the belt from Patrick's jeans, he whispers a compliment. Something along the lines of how beautiful Patrick is.

Patrick lifts his hips from the bed to help Pete peel the jeans from his legs. Pete smiles against the pale skin, leaning in to kiss the newly exposed skin. He kisses up to Patrick's knee, then to his thigh.

"Stop teasing," Patrick whispers.

Pete grins and moves up to kiss Patrick's lips. His fingers hook under Patrick's boxers, playing with the waistband. His hands only move up to slide the shirt off Patrick. Patrick does the same, and he smiles at the tanned muscles.

Patrick yanks off the belt, and does his best to wiggle the jeans from Pete. Once the two are only in boxers, Pete climbs on the bed to straddle Patrick. Their lips lock again, hips moving against each other's.

"Come on, Pete," Patrick whispers out. "Fuck me."

That's all Pete has to hear. Pete removes the last bit of clothing between them, pulling away to fetch the lube and a condom.

It's not long before Pete's pushing in, Patrick releasing groans of discomfort. Pete goes slow at first, hands creating dips in the bed next to Patrick's head.

Their bed.

Patrick's and his husband.

Sometimes Pete wishes Mark could see what they do. They way Pete makes Patrick scream. The way Pete speaks to Patrick. The way Pete fucks his husband. Would Mark get angry? Would he not care? Would he take notes?

Pete didn't even notice Patrick smacking his shoulder. "C'mon, Pete, faster."

So Pete kicks it into gear, hips slamming into Patrick. The smaller screams beneath him, nails digging deep into his skin. Pete growls into Patrick's neck as he continues the wild pace.

Patrick's nails rake deeper, making red stripes along Pete's back. He sucks a breath into his tired lungs, wrapping his legs around Pete's waist.

Pete hits a spot that makes his back arch up. He cries Pete's name, and begs him to keep hitting right there. Pete does, dropping to his elbows. Patrick's hands cup Pete's jawline, and their eyes lock.

Pete's eyes squint shut every so often, and Patrick's can barely stay open. Patrick's hands move from Pete's face to grab the dark hair. He's so lost in his own pleasure, he can't hear the front door open over the sound of his moans.

Pete only notices when there's movement out of the corner of his eye. He turns to see Mark, standing at the doorway. Jaw dropped. Eyes narrowed at Pete.

So he's gonna be angry? Okay, Pete can work with this.

Pete grabs Patrick's wrists to slam them above his head. Their fingers lace, and Pete has better leverage. It doesn't take long for Patrick to climax, screaming Pete's name. Pete finishes after, burying his face into Patrick's shoulder. He smiles knowing Mark saw it all.

"What the hell, Patrick!?"

The younger startles, the post-orgasmic haze fading quickly.

"Didn't you see the divorce papers?" Pete pants, moving to pull the blankets over him and Patrick.

"Fuck you!" He hisses at Pete. "And fuck you, Patrick!"

"Oh, I did that for you already," Pete smiles.

"I want a divorce!" Mark growls.

"I've wanted one," Patrick frowns.

Mark storms away, leaving Pete and Patrick giggling.

Was this weird? Sorry.

Having boy issues. (Read on if you want my luke-warm tea)

I've liked him forever. And he's being confusing with everything. I've tried getting over the crush, but I can't shake it. Advice?

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