Dream of Better Days...and Elephants

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Chapter 12: Dream of Better Days….and Elephants

“I can’t believe this.” Annabeth mutters searching through ancient Greek text. I nod looking around the Athena cabin and I can’t believe how clean it is and organized too. Except Annabeth’s work zone that is. It looks like world war three rolled on across this table.. She must like to work like this.

“I know insane right, I guess Myths aren’t always dead on?” She looks up at me seeming a little bit pissed.

“Not usually,” She says tensely walking over to my side of the table. “Everything I’ve gone up against has been fairly by the book.”

“Not in my experience, remember the ’12 inch’ long basilisk? Yeah well he was at least three feet long…maybe even three in a half.” She looks frustrated and pulls out a smaller book. I squint at the title and eventually I can make out ‘Greek Beastiary’. The Book of Monsters. No one handles the thing personally except for Annabeth. Even in class she’d flip the pages for us if we wanted to see something specific. She flips through it quickly and stops.

“It says here 12 inches.”

“Well it wasn’t .Trust me Annabeth. It wasn’t humongous or anything but it was bigger than a foot.”

“What’s going on out there? Something is seriously messing with the right order of things. It’s almost like….” She trails off glancing at me for a fraction of second before switching books for the third time.

“Annabeth what?” I ask but she’s completely absorbed in her reading. I wait nervously for her to finish up and eventually she does. She mutters something angrily to herself before slamming the book shut.

“Something big is going to happen.”

“Like what?”

“Like world changing big…and you said Hades is trying to pull this thing off, right?” I nod and she sits down running a hand through her hair. “Chiron told me something a long time ago. ‘Gods follow patterns but only Demi Gods have creativity….creativity to break the pattern like the titan war, and the giants. It’s all happened before; we’re all just repeating history. The event could have a different outcome but it’s still history. The battle will repeat for all of time.”

“So Hades is the almighty powerful god of the underworld but because he’s a god he’s….limited? But he’s a god, right?”

“And that is where I’m stuck.” She glares down at the text and I let out the breath I’d been holding.

“So you don’t know?” I ask and she gives me the death stare. “That’s scary.”

“Tell me about it.”

“So Hades is what? Trying to screw with the unending pattern, right? But we know that doesn’t make sense since he’s a god and has been for a thousand years. I mean if the gods are stuck in this unending pattern then how could he…not be a god? Can he just give up his immortality.  I mean is that even possible?”

“It is but Hades wouldn’t give that up, he’s self-absorbed. God’s can take the immortality of other gods so why not ask?” I shake my head and Annabeth gets up. She walks over to my side of the table again. We lean against it and just sit there in silence. “I’ll do more research but I’m going to need some time. This is some heavy information we're looking for and it’s going to take some time to find it.”

“Time, huh?” I ask. I didn’t mean to sound ungrateful but time isn’t something I have a lot of considering what Hades said is true.

“I’m sorry but-“

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