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Chapter 13: Graduation

As soon as I open my eyes the first thing I see is my best friend holding my knife to my boyfriend’s throat.  Jumping out of bed, I try to pull Cleo off but she won’t budge. “Cleo don’t okay, you don’t understand.”

“Oh don’t I? This asshole tried to push me off a railing.” I look up at Logan but he doesn't seem that threatened. If anything he looks annoyed he was dragged out of bed so early.

“It was necessary.” He says and I smack myself in the forehead. Of all the stupid things to set her off.

“It was necessary? You tried to kill me and that’s all you have to say for yourself.”

“Give me till noon and I’ll think of something better.” She presses the flat of the blade to his throat. If you hadn’t noticed already Logan isn’t people friendly. Meaning he never apologizes. Personally I think, he thinks it’s a weakness. Like admitting he made a mistake.

“I should kill you.” He opens his mouth ready to spit out some smart ass remark but I slap my hand over his lips.

“Both of you be quiet my parents are right down the hall. Cleo, I know he’s been an ass but it’s kind of his defense mechanism. He can’t really-“ He pushes my hand away.

“I DON’T HAVE A-“ I slap my hand over his mouth again.

“Shut up you idiot. What do you think they’ll do when they figure out we slept together?” I slap my hand over my own mouth. “Shit sonofabitch that’s not what I meant.”

“Oh my god you slept with him! You had sex! Are you crazy I was sleeping right next to you? For the love of god I know you like him but he tried to kill me!”

“Jesus Cleo, shut up I we didn’t…we….we didn’t…we didn’t do it okay, god!”

“You can’t even say it?” Logan smiles and I glare at him.

“I can say it if I want to.”

“Do it.”

“Shut up Logan.” 

“Wait you didn’t sleep with him?” Cleo cuts in and I hit the wall.

“No of course not.” Deep breath. “Everyone just needs to calm down. Cleo, Logan’s Sorry for almost killing you.” He opens his mouth but I glare at him. “Not a word. Logan, Cleo’s sorry about putting a knife to your throat. Is everyone happy now? Cleo?” I ask and she crosses her arms.

“Fine but if he crosses me I’ll kick his ass.” Logan smirks but she doesn’t see it.

“Logan?” He looks annoyed with me but sighs.

“I won’t try to kill her again.”

“See everything’s good, everything’s-“ Something shatters down stairs and we all turn. For a second there’s nothing so we stand there quietly, then the shouting and banging start. We rush down stairs. No ones in the living room so we run into the kitchen. Espo and Ryan are tag teaming….Arrow? Ryan lunges but Arrow jumps out of the way skidding across the counter in a dirty pan. Espo tries to catch him but Arrow skids right off the counter and on to the floor. Both cops are hot on his trail when Arrow takes a running jump on to my arm. The guys skid to a stop and Arrow spreads out his wings letting out a loud squawk showing them he’s top bird.

“Mia don’t move.” Ryan says slowly pointing his pistol at Arrow but I shake my head.

“What no!”

“Listen I know it’s an animal Mia but we can’t catch the damned thing.” There’s a bang upstairs and my parents trot into the kitchen.

“Espo, Ryan what the hell are you….doing here” She see’s Arrow. “What is that thing?” She gasps and Arrow starts to whimper hiding in his feathers.

Son of Hades: A Percy Jackson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now