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Chapter 5: Rats

We’re in the middle of New York in a Neighborhood I know fairly well. Hades should have shown up by now but still nothing. “Where is he Nico?” I ask and he shrugs.

“Hades does what Hades wants to do.” Well that’s helpful.

“Has a god ever been directly involved with a quest like this? Is it normal?” I ask Dom

“Normal no but not unheard of.” I’m about to ask another question when I feel a cool breeze at the back of my neck. I turn around and there he is leaning smugly against a wall. What a dick.

“Been waiting long?” He smirks and I glare.

“For a god who seems to be in a hurry you sure move slowly.” His eyes glow dangerously then go back to their normal blue.

“Watch yourself.” He threatens but I don’t back down. I continue to glare and so does he. God or not this guy pisses me off. But he’s the only lead I have on Logan.

“So where to Lord Hades?” I ask and he relaxes slightly.

“If I were you I’d start making my way towards Texas.” I look at the guys then back at Hades.

“Okay then, we’ll get there as soon as we can.” He nods backing up until he disappears into the shadows completely. I breathe out, getting a hold of myself before I turn back to the group.

“So to Texas we go. But how the hell do we get there?” I think out loud and Connor responds right away.

“The best way to get there would probably be by train.”

“Sounds good but wouldn’t a plane be faster?” Nico laughs a little running a hand through his hair.

“I can’t do air planes.” Crap I totally forgot.

“Sorry, so the train it is.” We cross the streets easily fitting in with everyone else on the side walk not drawing any attention to ourselves. Thankfully no baddies show up and we get to the train station safely. We have a lot of money but not enough to afford a train ticket for every single one of us. We all hang out by the wall waiting for…hell I don’t know. I watch the train pass and see there’s to luggage cars trailing behind the caboose.

“What’s going on?” Nico asks.

“Most of the cars are for passengers but two before the caboose are freight, just meant for luggage. If we can get on to one of those cars…boom free ride to Texas.”

“But how are we going to distract that chick by the train.” Dom asks and I look. She’s wearing a red uniform, handing out fliers and checking tickets. She had her black hair tied up in a bun and besides the circles under her eyes she looks pretty…and looked about Dom’s age. I smirk evilly at him and his eyes widen.

“No, I’m not doing it.” He hisses and I roll my eyes.

“Not doing what?” Connor asks looking confused.

“Dom is going to be an awesome person and go flirt with that conductor so we can get on the train.” Everyone looks at him and he waves his hands.

“No one of you do it.”

“Come on Dom it’ll be fun.”

“No.” He glares and I know I have no choice. I’m gonna have to bribe him.

“If you go do this, you know you get to sit in the actual passenger car don’t you?” He takes a second to think than smiles and I know he’s in. “Go getter tiger.” I cheer and he gets up taking some of the money with him and heads towards the train station. As soon as he gets her attention we all subtly get up and walk towards the end of the train. Looking down the line I can tell Dom has his charm on and is in the middle of getting the girls number. We all get on the train without causing a scene. I sit back against the wall hiding behind a huge crate in front of me. Cleo sits next to me, while Nico and Connor sit across from us. Cleo’s tense looking around. Her knuckle turn white because of her grip on her bow. I put my hand on her shoulder and she nods leaning against the wall.

Son of Hades: A Percy Jackson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now