Fight Back

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Chapter 1: Fight Back

“We can’t trust him.” Logan whispers in my ear and I close my eyes just content listening to the sound of his voice.

“But I think he wants to help, Logan. You two can’t share a body if…..” I take a deep breath. “You’ll both go crazy if you keep acting like the way you have.”

“Then I guess he’ll have to go get another body to share then, now won’t he?” He pulls me on top of him and I roll my eyes.

“You have to try.” I tell him pushing him away slightly and he looks annoyed.

“Fine I’ll-“but he stops in mid-sentence. I slowly look down and can’t breathe when I see the long bloody Talen that just protruded from his chest puncturing his lung. He gasps for breath and there’s nothing I can do but watch the horror unfold before me. I’m helpless, I’m always helpless. Watching the blood dribble down his chin I barely notice when she retracts the claw.

I look at his body below me and he’s not moving. Slowly after what seems like hours I pull my gaze from his broken body feeling new rage fill me. But it stops suddenly when I see the killer. Her blue eyes, her brown and red dyed hair. I killed him. My doppelganger smiles at me cruelly before she turns her back on me.

 She doesn’t run or flee but walks, even just strolls away like I’m not a threat. Her Mistake. I leap from his body and chase her down like the animal she is not waiting for her to turn, I stab her in the back watching her limp wretched body collapse around my blade. I can’t help but admire her corpse. Her hair knotted and caked with blood from when her skull smashed against the great oak, her back covered in blood and finally my sword sticking out of her like a decoration tying the entire spectacle together like a large bloody bow-“

“Mia?” I’m suddenly able to see and using my peripheral vision I can tell I’m in my room but it takes me a moment to focus on what’s in front of me. I can tell it’s a person but it’s so blurred I can’t tell who it was. It comes back to me suddenly and the first thing I can see is my blade buried in a man’s chest and slowly I make my way up to his face and hear I strangled cry escape my mouth when I see it’s Castle. Oh my god I stabbed Castle.

“No, no, no, no, nooo.” I whimper hysterically but he doesn’t seem afraid.

“Shhhhhh, everything’s okay Mia it’s-“but I don’t let him finish.

“No it’s not okay I killed you too. I killed you. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to. I didn’t mean to kill you.” I sob and fall to the floor no longer able to hold up my own weight. I hear the sword clatter to the wooden floor but I can’t see it. Suddenly a pair of arms wraps around me, entrapping me forcing me closer but I’m too weak to fight. Castle lifts up my hand and presses it to his chest and I look up suddenly almost getting a whiplash, wondering why I didn’t feel blood and torn flesh. I look up and see my hand pressed up against his dark grey shirt and see nothing. He looks fine and alive. “Castle?” I ask and he smiles down at me but I can see the worry in his eyes.

“See I’m fine.” He says resting his hand over my right that is firmly planted on his chest.

“No I stabbed you. I’m sure I did.” I say bewildered and he shakes his head.

“I’m human, remember. Your sword can’t hurt humans, right?” He says and it takes me a second to understand exactly what he’s saying but when I understand I feel this heavy weight lift off my chest and my guilt and grief is gone. I hug him fiercely almost knocking him over. I hear footsteps rush in and the light turn on blinding me.

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