Pandora and Aris | Extra

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So, when I first made this story, I had an idea that I was going to ship Pandora and Aris together, but then I realize that, no, that's not gonna work out. But once I already made a chapter in which they got together and I think it'll be waste if I don't publish it.

So, no, Pandora and Aris does not get together, and y'all can imagine this as a romance chapter and you can just replace the names with y/n.

- Alee


Pandora glanced at her watch nervously. Where's the train? she thought. Oh God, I'm gonna be late.

Today, she was going to meet her crush Aris at a place called Belle Fleur. It was already 6.45 PM; she was going to arrive about ten minutes late. Pandora silently cursed herself for taking so long in applying her winged eyeliner.

But who could blame her for wanting to look as good as possible for Aris? The guy had dazzling crystal blue eyes that sparkled even when the sun was blinding; he looked good even without trying.

The thought of his dark hair and the little fringe that covered the side of his forehead made her smile and her heart beat faster. She could not wait to see Aris. She suddenly couldn't breathe properly.

Finally, her train came. She bolted into the train entrance before anyone could step forward and huffed a breath as she leaned on a pole. It didn't bother her that she hadn't managed to bag a seat, as long as she was on the train and on her way to see Aris.

Two minutes later, as Pandora gazed into the train ceiling at the thought of Aris, the doors closed and the train sped forward. Pandora sighed and held onto the overhead railing, watching the inconsistent lights as the underground train kept moving.

She bit her lower lip, drumming her fingers on her thigh. What should she say when she saw Aris? What should she do? Did she look okay enough?

In a panicked instant, Pandora zipped her bag open and ruffled through the contents in search for her compact mirror in her bag and checked her complexion.

Did she forget to apply lip tint? Nope, her lips looked a brighter shade of pink than usual. Eyeliner? Perfectly winged. What about pimples? Thankfully none.

Oh well, she said, at least I look decent enough. Then, she zipped up her bag again and stared at the boring view of brick walls and darkness, only interrupted by the occasional fluorescent lights.

After 3 stops, Pandora bit her lip and finally gathered the courage to leave the train car. Her hands were shaking and her legs felt like noodles; they wobbled as she walked. Pandora was scared she'd fall instead or not making it to the platform but, thankfully, that didn't happen. She heaved a sigh of relief and went to find the exit.

As soon as she could see the moonlight, Pandora took a deep breath and watched as people went by their business, hustling and bustling. Typical, Pandora thought, knowing she shouldn't have expected anything else from a busy city.

There were a lot of "Excuse me-s" as she pushed and made her way through the crowd. People didn't stop to give her any trouble for it either, which was something Pandora was very thankful for. She was relieved when she found out that the subway station was only 5 minutes away from the place. After minutes of hard work, making her way through the crowd, she finally saw the location of her meeting place.

The "meeting place" seemed like a quaint little cafe with people chatting in the outdoor patio, drinking coffee and eating cakes. They had huge smiles on their faces as they enjoyed their french styled pastries and warm drinks. It seemed like a regular cafe, but Pandora knew what was different about it.

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