My Boy

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what subject do y'all suck at most and what subject are y'all most good at?


She stared at her exam papers with a look of disappointment, red pen ink slashed through her words that she'd written as if her exam paper was brutally murdered. In a big capital letter was her score, D-.

No matter how hard Riley tried to study, she couldn't seem to concentrate. All her thoughts were scattered throughout her brain. If I fail the next test, imma have to drop out. She said in her head. Riley thought about the reason why she failed, she failed to study.

The night before the test, someone knocked on her door when she was about to open her book- it turned out to be her boyfriend, Jared. "Hey, babe." He said as Riley opened the door, looking shocked.

Jared had a square jaw and a set of muscular arms that made him look like a gang criminal rather than a boyfriend. Riley crossed her arms. "What are you doing here?" She asked. The clock on the wall told her it was nine in the evening, she furrowed her brows.

Jared stepped inside Riley's dorm room even though her girlfriend hadn't said anything that motioned him to come inside. He leaned against the wall trying to look casual-but it was hard, since he looked pretty tense himself-and smirked. "Just checking out on my girl here, nothing's wrong." He shrugged.

Riley sighed, Jared always came on the wrong time, when she least needed him. She had a test to do tomorrow. "Sorry Jared, you can't. I've a test tomorrow, and I gotta study." She pursed her lips and was about to push him out to the exit.

Jared's muscles tensed as he raised his eyebrows. "What did you say?" He said in disbelief. "Yeah, I told you, get out." Riley replied. But before she could do anything, Jared shouted. "What? you're kicking your boyfriend out?!" His neck muscles tightening and Riley swore she could see veins bulging out of it.

"N-no, I'm not. I just need to have some time alone for now, to study." She sighed, her boyfriend is always mad about the pettiest things, it's exhausting. She backed up a little, scared that her boyfriend might hit her.

"All I want," Jared shouted loudly. "Is to spend some time with my f*cking girlfriend! Is that a goddamn crime?!" As he took a step forward in an intimidating manner. "And now she's KICKING ME OUT?!" Spit flew from his mouth as he shouted.

Riley took a step back again, feeling scared. Her heart thumped against her chest and she could feel the blood roaring through her veins. "Nein, bitch! I'm not kicking you out! I said I wanna study, is that such a crime?!"

Unexpectedly, Jared's hand flew across her face as he slapped her on her left cheek. Surprised, she staggered to hold herself up, her cheeks throbbing with pain. The look on her face was unmistakable, she was hurt.

"You ungrateful bitch." Jared said quietly. "Fine, if that's what you want, then I'll leave." As he strode towards the doorway, he took one last look at her girlfriend and exited, slamming the door behind him.

Riley was still in shock over what happened, she knew that Jared was a hitter, and her actions just tested his patience, in which he didn't have. She glanced at the clock on the wall, it read nine thirty pm. But her heart was not in the mood for studying now, not after what happened. She dragged herself to bed and fell asleep.

The next morning, she woke up late. "Oh, f***!" She practically screamed. Riley scrambled to the bathroom and tried to do her usual morning routine as fast as possible. After stuffing random textbooks in her bag, she hurried out the door.

When she arrived at the gates of the campus, she knew that the test had already started. "Oh, hello Miss Atwell." Said Professor Pines. "I didn't know you were coming today." As Riley opened the door, to her class, looking out of breath and tired from running. Ignoring the stares of her fellow classmates, she plopped down on her seat.

Professor Pines handed her the exam paper, and all she could think of when she read the first question was, "What. The. Actual. F***?!" For she didn't study a thing last night, and the question was really hard. Riley sighed and tried her best to do it without chewing her pen or groaning too much.

When the bell rang, signalling the end of the class, she handed the paper to the Professor and walked out the door. Riley was about to head towards the cafeteria when she was stopped in her tracks, by Jared. She eyed him suspiciously. "What are you doing here?" She asked. Sure, they went to the same college together, but that was not the point.

"Look, baby." He said, eyes transfixed towards her. "I'm sorry. So sorry for what I did yesterday. I didn't know what I was thinking." His breathing was unsteady as if he was about to cry. "Will you forgive me?" He asked, as he took her hand.

Riley had faced this question numerous times, and she didn't like it at all. She was reluctant to forgive, but if she didn't, well, she didn't want to cause a commotion in the hallways. She took a deep breath. "Uh, actually n-" But her words were cut off by Jared. "What did you say?" He demanded. His sad, sorry stare had now changed into a cruel, unforgiving glance.

Riley gulped nervously. This was the part she hated most. He would demand her to forgive, but then he would repeat the same, abusive behavior towards her all over again. She started again. "What I meant to say was," Riley swallowed her saliva. "No, I couldn't possibly not forgive you." She said the words slowly and carefully as if she had been rehearsing it.

Jared let go of her arm. "Good." He said finally. "Let's not repeat the same mistake again, shall we?" He said coldly. He then continued his journey leaving Riley alone in the hallway with only jumbled thoughts. Why, oh why do I have to be with him? Riley said to herself as she watched her significant other disappear down the hallway.

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