An Unplanned Meeting

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It was a Friday morning when she was supposed to have her private tutor, Mr. Bright teach her school lessons that day. Ugh, why do I have to be homeschooled? She thought as she woke up. I hate homeschooling!

Talia begrudgingly climbed out of her bed while yawning and walked towards the mirror. She looked at her reflection, there were dark circles under her eyes, and her long black hair was tangled and unruly. She looked tired both physically and mentally. But did her parents care? Not really.

In fact, she hardly cared about anything or anyone, even herself the past few months. The way she looked was the last thing she needed to fuss about, she had other problems on her mind that caused her so much burden.

Her brain felt like it would likely go numb and shut down any minute, causing her to actually not care about the problem and making her feel unnaturally relaxed. It was by far, the best and the worst feeling she ever had. But to her, it mostly felt bad.

The only solace she had was by smoking or talking with her online friends. She tidied her bed lazily and went down to the kitchen for breakfast.

Talia was home-schooled as she once suffered from frequent bullying at her old school. And the fact that her busy schedule made it impossible for her to catch up on lessons.

She didn't mind actually; in fact, she actually learned to stand up for herself for once. But her parents weren't having it. When they heard the news, they demanded the bullies to be expelled immediately. And as for Talia, they home-schooled her instead. Scared the same thing will happen again if she transferred schools.

She hated her parents's decision, because to be honest, she liked school. Sure, sometimes the teachers were self righteous and the kids were rowdy, but she enjoyed it.

And even though she disagreed with her parents's decision to homeschool her, she didn't want to be the rude, ungrateful daughter who always disobeyed their parents and thought they were never doing the right thing.

She tried to make herself believe that what her parents are doing, is probably the best decision for her and her future. So the only thing she could do is shut her mouth, nod, and accept her fate, even though her heart wasn't really into it. She pleaded several times to her parents to enroll her to a regular school again, but the answer? Always a definite no.

When she got to the kitchen, she realized that the house was empty. Her parents were away for work again. Huh, they must've gotten an errand again. She said in her head. But deep down, she was relieved. It meant that she wouldn't have to listen to her dad's lecture or her mom's constantly disapproving look.

She was about to open the fridge when she saw a sticky-note taped on the door. It read, Mr. Bright is not coming today, he is sick. Don't make a mess. -- Mom.
Talia took sometime to register the words on the paper. "Aww, YES!" She exclaimed excitedly. The thought of having no school for today cheered her up already.

Talia had a quiet breakfast all to herself, enjoying every minute of silence while she scrolled through social media. "Man, this is really nice." She said aloud. After breakfast, she went to the deserted living room and sat on the couch.

All throughout the day, Talia's routine were the same; playing her phone, checking the fridge, and occasionally walking about in the house. In the afternoon, she was starting to get bored. Great, now what do I do next? She thought.

Talia looked around the empty house and sighed. Yeah you know what? Maybe I'll go take a walk or something. She thought. Maybe i'll find something out there, you know probably food. She changed into her casual walking clothes, slathered some facial products on her face, and headed out towards the front door.

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