Grab a Drink!

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"Drink, drink, drink, drink!" people chanted around her, pushing her to chug the liquid in the bottle. Talia's heartbeat increased every time she tried to bring the object closer to her mouth, her hands becoming shaky. What if I become an addict? What if I can't live without alcohols? Shit, I don't wanna be in some rehab center. her mind rambled.

She felt Crista's hands touch her shoulders. "Come on, don't be a weenie." she cooed. Despite all the pressure from everyone around her, Talia found herself flashback-ing back to how she was here, holding an alcoholic drink in her hand, in a house filled with famous and rich kids, in a party when she wasn't even a party animal.

A few hours ago

It was another day where she had to go to the recording studio to record a song for her new album. Just when Talia thought her day couldn't get any more boring, fortunately, Crista came to her aid to say hi to her in the afternoon.  "Crista, I'm so bored!" she complained.

Upon hearing that, her friend only smiled mischievously, Talia knew that expression very well, it meant that Crista was busy arranging a plan. "Uh, what are you suggesting?" she asked curiously. "Hm, sounds like you need a way to have fun." her friend suggested.

Unfortunately, Crista's idea of having fun was going to loud parties. When she heard that, Talia wasn't surprised. Crista was what she called a wild child, the one who broke rules for fun, of course her idea of having fun was different from hers. "A party?! But it's a school night!" Talia exclaimed. "Yeah right, like you even go to school." Crista rolled her eyes annoyedly.

"Plus, all the hot guys will be there, and you're famous! It'll be fun!" Crista  exclaimed. Talia shook her head, unsure of what to do. "Uh, I don't know about it, Cris." she said. "Come on, you've never been to an actual party before!" was her friend's word of persuasion. After a few minutes of endless bribing, "Fine." Talia relented.

Thirty minutes or so ago

Talia thought Crista would show her the ropes, considering she was new to parties as Crista mentioned, but the truth was, when they showed up at the hosts doorstep, the guard only recognized Talia, they almost didn't let Crista in. "Oh, sorry, girl. Av don't know you." he said to Crista, "But her, he'll let her in." pointing to Talia.

Quickly, Crista intervened before Talia could process what happened. "Uh, no actually, I'm her plus one. My friend here specifically said to Av that I should be allowed to enter." she flashed her famous megawatt smile for extra measure. Talia, who didn't even know who's house it was, tried to object. "I didn't say any—" Crista elbowed the side of Talia's stomach to stop her from talking. "Ain't it right, Tal?" Crista asked.

After she obligingly nodded, the guard grunted and opened the huge double doors leading to where the party was taking place. At the sight of the strobe lights, loud dance music, and people getting drunk out of their minds, Talia could only stare overwhelmingly. "Whoa." she said quietly, careful not to be overheard by anyone. She didn't want anyone thinking this was her first party.

Her friend next to her inhaled a deep breath and smiled widely. Now this is a party! was the expression plastered on Crista's face. Talia could tell she was already enjoying the atmosphere. Talia was confused of what to do first, should she take the drinks? Dance? Or mingle with other people? "So, what do we do now?" she asked unsurely.

There was no answer from Crista. surprised, Talia glanced at her side, she wasn't there anymore. Instantly Talia felt a surge of panic in her head. Oh, shit! Where is she?! her mind explained. Her panicked eyes scanned the crowds frantically, trying to spot the girl in a midnight blue dress and high platform heels. She weaved through the crowd that won't seem to give way. "Stupid drunk dumbasses." she muttered.

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