Wish Me Luck

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One Week Later


There's something I have to do tomorrow that I haven't had time to mention in the earlier entries because I was either too tired to write it down or just too lazy, but I think I should just tell you guys now since I have the chance.

Hurry up and tell us, what is it? Well...I'm joining a writing competition :0

Okay, Nat, you like writing, signing yourself up for joining writing contests is completely normal, why should it be crazy? Yeah well the process of me joining was just, wild. So, it all started Tuesday last week...

Remember when I told you I would absolutely die if someone got a hold of my diary? Or if I accidentally left it somewhere else? Because I left this damn thing at school last Monday.

Curse at me as much as you want, future self, I don't really care lmao.

So, here's what happened last Tuesday.

I woke up fifteen minutes earlier, got dressed and had breakfast like usual except I was doing all of it in a rush. My mom was like "Why are you rushing?" and I just said I had a group work to do and that the group members gotta do a briefing first before school starts. She just nodded and was like "Okay, I guess."

When I arrived at school, there weren't that many people there but my legs thought it'd be a good idea if I made a mad dash to the English room, even though I dam well know there's no one there

. Yeah well, I went in and walked over to my desk where I was sitting, but I couldn't find it anywhere. Thankfully, before I could freak out even further, I saw my notebook on the teacher's desk. Got it, stashed it in my bag, and got the hell outta there.

Wait, you said your book was on the teacher's desk, that means someone got a hold of it first, right? Well technically speaking, yes. But my mind was so caught up in shit that the only thing I could only think of was, "Thank god I got my book back." and "Turns out I don't have to worry about anyone reading it after all."

BTW, sorry if I sound a like rambling five-year-old, it's just that I got so much to tell my mind can't process things the way it should have.

Long story short, I went to the bathroom in science class and when I was making my way back, I saw Miss Bennet, or to be exact, she looked like she was hunting down for me because she called out my name. "Natasha, come here for a second." I was like, "Okay, sure, what's up?" "You left something in my class yesterday, yes?" and I said yeah I left my notebook there, but I already got it back so it's no biggie.

Well, then she said, "Well I think the story you wrote on that paper of yours was very good." and ISTG my mind immediately short circuited I didn't get what she was saying until five seconds later when I finally said, "Wait, you what?"

HOLD UP, paper? You didn't tell us anything about a paper, you said you only left your book behind. Well, my ignorant ass left two things instead of one, my notebook and this F4 sized paper which I used to make a fantasy short story for some reason. "But you didn't open my notebook, right?" because if Miss Bennet did, I don't think I'll have a reason to live anymore 😐

She said, "Oh, no, because I respect that it's your privacy, but I actually called you because I have an offer for you."

"Okay, what offer?"

"Well after I read your uh, fantasy genre story was it? I believe you're good enough to represent our school at an upcoming writing contest next week on Saturday."

And at that moment, my brain just went BOOM.

I was like, "A writing contest? Next week? Lol, what?" and then Miss Bennet proceeded to tell me that my story which I made in a state of sleep deprivation was exceptionally good, the plot was creative, etc. etc. that she thinks I'm a good enough candidate to join this competition. Originally she was gonna choose either Charlotte or Nick from my grade but then she decided that I should be the one.

I mean, all of this didn't happen all of a sudden though, I mean, I was always kinda sucking it up to Miss Bennet (not in a bad way I mean) so yeah, she had some trust in me.

"So, Natasha, do you want to join? It's quite a prestigious competition. The contestants are students from schools all over the city and the winners get hundreds of dollars cash prize."

I thought, hmm, cash prize, huh? Okay, I guess, what do I have to lose anyway? "Okay." I said and Miss Bennet was like, "Okay, great, thank you so much, Natasha." and then she told me to go to the administration office after school so I can get the sign up and be informed about the rules and such.

So, we're supposed to write a short story with theme IS CLIMATE CHANGE REAL? (answer: duh) and that it's not less than 1000 words yet doesn't exceed the maximum word count which is 4250 words. As a person who writes with 3000+ words, I think I can stand a chance in this, I mean, I have my hopes up.

Well, the competition starts tomorrow and I wanna get some quality sleep, so my brain can form understandable sentences tomorrow. Whoop, wish me luck!

BYE :)

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