Chapter 6

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Sasha's POV

"Make sure Sasha doesn't find out." I hear Dylan's voice instructing the others, through the closed door.

What is he hiding from me?

"I'm going to go check on Sasha and make sure she is asleep and all her curtains are closed." Dylan says.

I quickly run back up the stairs and get in the bed and pretend to be asleep.

The door opens and I hear footsteps that I assume are Dylan's.

I feel his fingers on my arm.

He then leaves and closes then locks my bedroom door.

I sit up.

Why do you always lock my door!?

I look out my curtains to see wolves running into the forest and I stare confused at why they are running from the house.

Why did he kidnap me? How did he actually hear my parents abusing me and why won't he let me go?

I realise he locked me in meaning if I leave here he will not know.

I manage to find a show with a heel and I break off the heel and use it to smash the window and this time I do something stupid and completely reckless I jump out the window.

I land on my some soft grass which breaks my fall and I run to the other side of the house and enter the forest in the opposite direction to the one the wolves did.

If I keep running sometime I sould find civilization or a river and if I find a river I can make a boat and with that knowing all rivers lead to the sea I'll make it to a beach and can walk along till I find someone.

I smile at my plan knowing it's terrible however it is something. Something I can work with.

Trees rip at my pyjamas however I don't care all I want is my freedom.

A wolf suddenly pounces on me pinning me down snarling.

My eyes go wide and my body trembles.

"A little human wants to play. You have the scent of an alpha on you. Perhaps one has been near you for a while." He smirks.

"W-werewolf." I tremble as every child's nightmare of monsters becomes a reality.

"Poor lost little girl." He grins and I scream as his canines sink into my arm.






I stop in my tracks as I hear my beautiful mate's screams and pleas but she should be in her bed.

I catch the scent of her blood.

"No Sasha." I say under my breath.

"Alpha is something wrong?"


I turn and break into a fast run in the opposite direction passing the pack house eventually and keeping a straight run till my eyes fall on a wolf tearing the flesh from my mate.

I growl angrily.

"Has someone come to play?" The sick voice of Daren, the alpha of the Ashwood pack, says.

My eyes fall to my mate her face contracting in pain blood staining her clothes and once fair milky skin.

I push him off her and skin my canines into him before giving him more injuries.

He growls and I growl back and he knows I've won and he leaves retreating back to his territory.

I walk back to my girl.

I gently nudge her arm putting my nose under it attempting to help her up only she doesn't get up.

Instead of rising to her feet she lets out pain whines and moans along with whimpers.

I nudge her some more.

I slip my nose put from under her and I like her her wounds on her legs and arms even stomach to clear the bloodloss a bit.

I nuzzle into her neck and she relaxes a bit.

I want to talk to her and comfort her but a talking wolf may scare her.

I slip myself under her body her legs hanging off me and her arms and head doing the same and I manage to get her back to the pack house and I lie her on the lawn and I sink my canines into the back of her top and I pull her in through the wolf sized doggy door we installed.

I manage to get her on a table and I watch her as she continues to attempt to keep her consciousness.

"Werewolf. Attack." She mutters before fainting.

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