Chapter 62

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After a long process of an officer telling my parents that I will no longer be living with them, and then my father shouting whilst my mother fake cried, I made it to my bedroom with Dylan and we began to pack my things in suitcases.

Those suitcases were then lugged into the police vehicle and I was driven to a large house, although it is nothing compared to the pack house.

I would much rather live there with Dylan. I miss the pack house just as I actually miss Zack and James even if I don't spend much time around Zack. I also miss Lila and Ren but that is easy to understand. Lila is fun and easy to get along with and become best friends with, whilst Ren is just so cute and adorable.


"Well we are here. Welcome to your new home," Officer Jeremy says with a large smile after a fifteen minute drive that took place without Dylan.

"Thanks," I say getting out of the car with one of my suitcases.

I would much rather be here with Dylan than without him. I still don't like the idea of being without it. I think it is the mate bond combined with the fact that I love him so much.

After everything we have been through I have realised that I love him and I want to go back to the pack house and sleep every night away in his arms. Instead I am stuck here with strangers.

"I'm sure you are going to love it here. My girls began preparing your room the moment they heard you were coming. I'm sure you will love them," he says positively.

He seems like such a friendly and optimistic person. I'm sure before I met Dylan I would be overjoyed to stay with them but now I'm being quite unfair to them, and I will realise and accept that fact, because I just want to go stay with him.

The front door bursts open and a girl comes sprinting out and her arms wrap around me and crush me into a hug.

"Hi! I'm Amber! That girl over there is my cousin Samantha! I just call her Sam for short," she says bursting with energy.

"Wait you're Sasha! Sasha from school! Remember we met yesterday," she says.

"Yes I do remember," I say.

I'm pretty sure my ears will never be the same after Amber's joyous shouting and screaming in them. My poor ears.

"You have to see the room we prepared, it looks amazing if I do say so myself," she says grabbing my hand and pulling me.

How is this girl so strong and energetic. She's like a puppy put on a caffeine overdose and ten sugar highs at once.

I am dragged through the house, by the overly excited teenage girl, not even given a tour of where I'm passing through. I feel like if this were some sort of children's cartoon, I would be flying in the wind whilst she ran the house with dust clouds at her feet. Maybe I'm being overdramatic.


I feel myself thrust forward into a room and I stare inside at the beautiful room with a perfect view over the forest from a balcony.

"Amber why don't you come help with the bags," Officer Jeremy suggests.

"Okay!" She exclaims before running out.

"Sorry about my cousin. She got her hands on the secret stash of marshmallows an hour ago, and as you can probably tell there are no marshmallows left," Sam sighs entering the bedroom.

"It's fine. I just feel a little overwhelmed," I say.

"She'll wear out soon and then you won't hear from her for a hour whilst she sleeps," Sam assures me.

"Sasha I see you have met cousin Sam," Amber chirps as she lugs my heavy bags into the room.

"Yes Ambs remember I told you about the girl at archery," Sam reminds her.

"Ohhh. You're the new girl that Sam could not stop going on about. You're like her new idol," Amber giggles.

"Amber! I just am in awe of her skills," Sam hisses.

"I'm sure you are," Amber laughs.

"Stop that!"

"Stop being so bashful."

"I am not!"

I plonk on the bed and watch the two cousins fight like sisters, which they might as well be.

"Well she really finds your skills amazing. Since she's too shy to say anything why don't you tell me where you learnt your apparently amazing archery? I'm not doubting your skills by the way. I mean I am sure they are great but I have never seen them so I'd be lying if I said they were amazing without seeing them. Oh am I rambling on? I'm sorry I do that sometimes.  It's like I just can't stop talking and then it just goes on and on and on-"

"Amber you're rambling again," Sam says rolling her eyes.

"Ooohh. Sorry, my bad. So where did you learn archery?"

"Uh a special bootcamp?" I say.

I guess that the course that I was put through could pass as a special bootcamp, as can shooting arrows through trees.

"Really?! What did you do there? What was it like? What was it called? When did you go? Was the food good? I've heard camp food tastes terrible-"

"Amber the food depends on the camp and the staff. Don't generalise and honestly one question at a time or else she'll be too confused to answer anything," Sam interjects.

"No it's fine. The food was great'" I reply, knowing the pack house food was good.

"So what did you do there in terms of archery?" Sam asks, seeming slightly suspicious.

"Shot arrows out of trees," I reply smiling.


Not edited.
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