Chapter 9

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"Can you tell me where you're taking me?" I ask as he pulls me by my hand down the passage right after kissing me.

"Reasons," he says bluntly as he opens a door.

I am led into a room and I suddenly hear the door close.

"Please keep the door open," I say, nervous about being with him in a room with the door closed.


"Why not? Don't you trust me?" I ask softly.

"Can't I close the door?" He asks.

"I-I barely know you, I don't feel comfortable with the door closed. Please we just met and I don't entirely trust you yet. Please can you keep it open," I say.

His hand runs gently over my cheek caressing my skin and his other hand intertwines with mine and he gently leads me through the room with grace that makes me follow without question and before I know it I am on a crimson red throw which neatly covers a king sized bed with the werewolf alpha in front of me.

My heart races as his hands slowly and lightly move over my skin sending indescribable strange shivers through me.

"I won't open the door because just as I haven't earned your trust you have definitely not earned mine Sasha. I completely understand running away from me but I don't like it and it is a behaviour I must stop now to ensure it does not become a habit, as much as any wolf enjoys a chase there is always a chance of losing you, of you dying or getting hurt in your little escapes," he says.

"You kidnapped me! You took me against my will because you think I am your mate or something. I may not have the best or most loving family but they are the reason I am alive. If you didn't know I have a life. I didn't ask nor want to be taken from it just to be some object that you can control like a puppet. You keep me locked up in rooms like a prisoner. The first thing I found when I woke up was a locked room and you didn't even tell me the truth. You left me in the dark and thought you could just keep me here and not tell me why I was even here," I say angry.

"True but I didn't want you to fear me and it's my instinct to keep you here where you are safe," he says.

Suddenly he pins me down, my back against the throw and he takes something from a drawer in the side table and my heart races, fearing the worst.

"Calm down Sasha. I'm not going to mate with you yet," he says almost laughing.

I open my eyes to see something held in his hand with a needle on the end.

"Now although be a good girl and stay nice and still, I don't want to hurt you more than necessary. Females sometimes give their mates some trouble so it's always good to have a chip placed in them so they can be tracked. This will however not be a chip, it's a substance that will mix with your blood and I will be able to track your location if you run away. I can follow your scent but it can be a bit hard at times this way I can get you much quicker," he says.

I lift my knee repeatedly against his sore spot till I can easily push him off me and I get up and run to the door and open it and close and lock it.

I run and throw the key on the floor and continue running through the mansion till I reach the back door and I run outside and I see a shed and run inside it and the wind slams it behind me.

I turn and try open it only to find there is no handle on the inside and I push the door as hard as I can to no avail and I fall on my knees, tears streaming from my eyes as the feeling of helplessness takes over.

Someone will find me sometime and take me back to the werewolf alpha or he will find me and either way I'll end up with that tracking stuff in me. I hate needles.

I just want to go home. I miss my life from not too long ago.

Kidnapped By My Alpha MateWhere stories live. Discover now