Chapter 27

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I giggle as the movie finishes and I hear Dylan snoring.

I quietly crawl over to him and lean over him and I scream.

He suddenly jolts up in the bed and unfortunately it's dark so I can't see.

"Sasha baby. Baby are you okay? Did you see a rouge? Did someone hurt you? Was there a spider?"

"I'm fine. I just couldn't help but give you a little fright. I mean you snored through half of the movie," I say crossing my arms still unable to see.

He gets up and soon the light comes on and I cover my eyes to shield them from the blinding light I uncover my eyes and I see him looking down on me from over the couch and he leans down and gives me a light kiss on my lips and then the mark making me giggle.

"You're so beautiful Sasha. So beautiful and so perfect," he whispers in my ear making me blush and I grab a pillow to hide my flustered face.

"Who said you could hide your blush from me," he smirks taking the pillow and throwing it so I can't cover myself with it.

He glances at the clock on the wall.

"It's about dinner time, you must be exhausted after the attack today. I'll take you to the room and have someone bring up our supper," he says.

"Okay," I say.

He picks me up without warning and I squeal while he takes me back to the room and I see the door has already been fixed.

He sits me on the bed and I blush again as I see him gazing at me. What is it with me blushing today.

I know he won't hurt me if I fall in love but if I become weak for him like with him. He won't take me seriously likely. He'll be able to push me around if I fall too quickly.

He said I'll go back into heat in a month and we need to mate before or during that time for it to stop and I really hope he was joking about that for my sake. Maybe he said that to try take advantage of men after the last heat I'd rather not experience it again but is making it stop really worth simply giving up my first.
For the last one to stop he had to bite me and put a permanent claim on me shouldn't that have been enough.

"Sasha baby the food is here," he says sitting on the bed with two plates of food.

I am pulled onto his lap and he begins to hand feed me, taking the utensils and cutting up my meat for me and then taking the fork and feeding it to me.

When he finishes he kisses me on my head.

"Rest now, okay darling," he says lying me down before eating his food.



I get up from the bed once I finish eating and Sasha is lying fast asleep in the bed and I pull the covers over her.

I place a baby monitor in the room just in case any harm is to come to her so I can know immediately, since she isn't a wolf she can't mindlink and as much as I love her and our relationship has progressed since she was marked, I cannot give her a phone. She could phone the police, her parents, a friend or anyone to come get her and I'd lose her. I can't let her go. I need my Luna and because she isn't a wolf she doesn't entirely need me. Not yet at least.

She won't depend on me as much until we're mated which needs to happen within a month or she will end up in heat. As much as I like taking care of my human mate even in heat and I love the attention I get, I won't swim to Antarctica. I can tell she probably isn't going to enjoy the smell of wet dog for however long and my fur will look terrible freezing, I won't probably even get to Antarctica as I'll probably exhaust, we wolves may be fast and have long endurance but we are motal beings who need to eat and rest at some point in time.

What's worse is her heat won't subside until we're mated. I've heard of she-wolves who held out and died. Literally died. She's a human. She won't survive it, it'll be more intense than the last one and I'm scared she will be stubborn, too stubborn.

She's only seventeen and being forced into this. If I hadn't kidnapped her or she at least hadn't resisted the pull so much we wouldn't be in this situation where she doesn't know that she could potentially lose her life.

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