Chapter 30

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I jolt up in the bed, only to be pulled back down to the bed a strong, heavy arm.

I look to the side and see Dylan sleeping and I let out a soft sigh, knowing I'm going to be stuck like this for a while.

As comfy and nice and warm as being in his arms is, it can be rather frustrating and impractical when I want to go to the bathroom or get out the bed.

There is nothing wrong with cuddling but there is a lot wrong with being kept prisoner in his arms till whenever he wakes up however at least he doesn't drool in his sleep.

Suddenly I hear banging on the door and in an instant I have a possessive werewolf out the bed growling at whatever is frightening me.

He walks to the door and opens it.

"Dylan there is an attack! Northwind pack-" James says.

My hand is immediately grabbed.

"Get the pack ready. I'm going to go lock Sasha in my office," Dylan says, definitely in protective and possessive Alpha mode.

"Hey I don't need to be locked up," I protest.

"Remember the rogue attack?" He growls softly.

"N-nevermind. So is this attack season or something?" I ask.

"No it isn't. Word has definitely gotten out that I have a Luna and my enemies are targeting you because of that. I'm going to need a panic room installed soon especially if we ever have a heir which they are probably trying to prevent," he says.

"Wait so I'm practically everyone's prey now," I exclaim.

"Pretty much. Why do you think I didn't want you to leave the pack house whenever you tried to run away and I tried to put a tracking serum in you, which if you want I-"

"No I hate needles and I'm not letting you put a tracking serum in my body. You're a werewolf, you have a good sense of smell," I say.

"Some things can make it hard to smell you when they block your scent," he says.

"We can finish this discussion later and no before you say anything I don't plan on changing my mind," I say.

"Isn't going to make me stop trying. Now stay safe. If anyone tries to enter scream my name or help as loud as you can. Werewolves have better hearing than humans so screaming will be able to alert me and at the same time be able to hurt a werewolf by screaming in his ear. Screaming will probably be the only defense you have unless you count hurting them while they are recovering not that it will do massive damage," he says.

I feel his lips against mine and I blush before giving in.

His lips soon leave mine.

"Thanks I'll be sure to continue that kiss when the fight is over. Now stay safe understand Sasha," he says.

"I'll try. Good luck," I say.

"Bye my love," he whispers as the door closes and locks.

I make my way to the couch and I sit down and sketch to try and distract myself from the fighting going on.

I find myself unable to do anything but worry about Dylan. I mean mates as he calls us practically are soul mates and I never believed in soul mates but if werewolves are real and I can get burning hot from not being bitten by him then soul mates can definitely exist.

I get up from the couch and walk to the window and I look down and I see Dylan's wolf taking on another wolf of a similar sized wolf.

I want to look away as I see the wounds on Dylan and the wolf but I can't, I can't help but worry about him. I hear the door banging and I turn around and I scream.

I look back and I see Dylan turning towards the pack house on to be attacked.

He turns back and continues fighting definitely unable to come help me.

I shakingly walk towards the door and hope they can hear me loud and clear through the door since they can't be too far from the door if they are banging it.

I let out a loud scream and I hear whines which eventually turn into growls and the banging resumes only more violently than before and I notice the stairway Dylan brought me up last time and I contemplate running down it.

The door is broken down and I wonder why I can't ever just be nice and safe during an attack.

I see a snarling wolf which runs at me.

I quickly go down the stairs and close the trap door and run, hoping I'll be fast enough.

I hear the wooden trap door breaking and I speed up as I hear the snarls of the wolf running behind me.

I open the door of the closet and before I can close it on the wolf I am pounced on and pinned to the ground and the wolf shifts into a man with blonde hair.

He tapes my mouth shut and smirks.

"There we go, nice and quiet," he smirks and I struggle underneath him.

He moves my head and checks my neck.

"Yep just the girl we're looking for," he says getting up and pulling me up to my feet and I feel cuffs bind my hands behind my back.

He looks at me.

"You should be screaming in pain," he growls at me.

He sniffs me.

"Human. How nice, a little weakling," he says.

I feel my body kicked to the ground and he beats me up till he is satisfied and I am picked up and placed on my feet and he forces me to walk in front of him outside.

"Alpha, I got the girl," he announces pushing me to the floor.

"SASHA!!" Dylan shouts shifting and running to me.

The Alpha lunges at Dylan and if my mouth weren't taped shut I would be screaming, horrified.

Dylan shifts back into his wolf and attacks the Alpha and soon beats him.

The enemy wolves begin to retreat and Dylan picks me up and one of the pack members take the Alpha to the dungeons.

Dylan takes the tape off my mouth and rips off my handcuffs and I lean into him.

"That wolf hurt you," he growls looking at my injuries.

"And you're worse than I am, worry about yourself," I say.

"I'll heal very soon. You need to get those bruises checked," he says kissing my forehead.

I close my eyes passing out in exhaustion.

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